X-Pac对Bully Ray和Fan之间的ROH事件的评论

在最近的播客中,“X-Pac”肖恩·沃特曼对Bully Ray和粉丝之间的ROH事件发表了自己的看法:

“在这里,我要大胆地说,这可能比你一般的高跟鞋起跳要多一点。我只是猜测....我只是根据这两个人所说的,他们的故事有点吻合……实际的对抗和故事吻合。这里有什么问题?为什么这是个大新闻?我不明白,事情是这样的,我在推特上看到了一些人对恶霸雷的回应,也许我遗漏了一些东西。人们因为他的回答而嘲笑他。把他(风扇)带到一个私人房间里是不是最好的主意?在这里,可以主张,可以指控,而且只有你们两个,他说的话对你说的话?可能不是最好的主意,但我只是按照粉丝自己说的去做。 I don’t see the big deal here. So where’s the harm? Somebody get their feelings hurt? Did someone get scared a little bit? Okay. Big f***in’ deal… There is a line, and you’ll know it, you’ll know it’s being crossed when you f***en hear it. There’s shit talking, like heckling wrestlers, and if you step over the line; obviously I come from a different era, but I try to look at things and I think I do a pretty good job compared to a lot of people from my generation when it comes to seeing things from everyone’s point of view. And I just think this is really being blown completely out of proportion. And I have some friends that probably disagree with me and I don’t know what to tell you. I am just not seeing the huge issue here. … Those girls, they’ve been around a minute, I’ve known them for over 10 years, and they’ve heard some shit before it’s not like their thin-skinned and can’t handle being f***ed without there especially as heels, and women in our industry and the shit they have to go through behind the scenes let alone the shit they have to listen to from rude fans. I am pretty sure this kind of thing is not gonna happen again. I just think this is ridiculous that it’s even a big story.“