WWE TLC结果- 2018年12月16日

WWE TLC结果- 2018年12月16日

欢迎来到WWE TLC预演,我们正在WWE网络上直播。该小组由Jonathan Coachman、Booker T、David Otunga和Sam Roberts组成。

  • 巡洋舰重量头衔比赛:巴迪·墨菲©击败塞德里克·亚历山大
  • 梯子比赛:伊莱亚斯击败了博比·拉什利

欢迎来到TLC PPV!我们得到了一个介绍视频包来宣传今晚将要进行的比赛。我们的开幕比赛是……

混合比赛挑战赛总决赛:R-Truth和Carmella对阵Jinder Mahal和Alicia Fox

玛哈尔和真理开始了,但真理战胜了他。在福克斯的盲目追逐之后,卡梅拉和特鲁斯进行了一次臀部双抛,然后进行了舞蹈休息。随后,辛格兄弟进入擂台跳舞,然后被扔了出去。福克斯从后面攻击卡梅拉,然后挥出一记扭颈球,得了2分。狐狸的头被锁住了,但卡梅拉奋力抵抗,撞上了飓风。卡梅拉打出一连串好球。特鲁斯和玛哈尔被抓了进来。特鲁斯用前臂打了一个旋转球,但小狐把自己挡了进去。他们和福克斯和真相玩得很开心,导致卡梅拉用一脚超级踢她,直到玛哈尔打破了他们。真相把他打倒在地。 Fox went for a roll up but Carmella reversed and locked in a submission for the win.


WWE SmackDown Tag Team Title Triple Threat Match: The Bar©vs. The Usos vs. The New Day

科菲和谢穆斯的开场是科菲的一记吊球,然后是伍兹的几记踢腿和飞溅球。塞萨罗打断了他们。两队之间爆发了争吵,塞萨罗用一记大联盟的上勾拳抓住了杰。谢默斯用一记背击抢到了伍兹的2分。冠军在角落里夹击伍兹,在接下来的几分钟里用快速标签击败了他。伍兹和谢默斯在最上面的绳子上搏斗,直到伍兹用一脚踢住了他。科菲和塞萨罗得到了热门标签,科菲对塞萨罗进行了一系列的射击,然后以一记吊射落地。科菲去了《天堂的麻烦》但被塞萨罗抓住了。吉米跳了进去,却被科菲狠狠踢了一脚。塞萨罗举起科菲,吉米在空中打了一个横身球。 Jimmy with a big boot to Cesaro and Kofi rolled up Jimmy. Jey in now and they landed a double head kick to Kofi. Jey with another super kick to Kofi then Woods then Sheamus, and Cesaro. A superkick party! Jey with a samoan drop to Kofi for 2 as Woods broke it up. Jey went to the top rope and hit a splash. Cesaro sent him to the ring post and covered Kofi for 2. Cesaro did the giant swing to Kofi then the sharpshooter but Woods hit a flying DDT. Sheamus is now legal and took out Woods. Kofi avoided the super kick and rolled up Sheamus for 2. Kofi with a double foot stomp to Sheamus and tagged in Woods who went to the to rope. Kofi with a head kick to Sheamus and Woods with spring board elbow drop for 2. Jey broke it up. Cesaro with an uppercut to Jimmy and Jey. Kofi drop kicked Cesaro to the floor. Kofi with a dive off the top rope to the floor to take out some of his opponents. Sheamus and Woods left in the ring to battle it out with Sheamus hitting a big boot to Woods for the win.


TLC比赛:科尔宾男爵vs布劳恩·斯特罗曼-如果斯特罗曼赢了,他将在皇家隆隆赛上挑战环球冠军头衔,科尔宾失去所有权威,如果科尔宾赢了,那么他是永久的Raw GM。


获奖者:Braun Strowman。

比赛:Natalya vs Ruby Riott

他们开始争吵,直到Riott把她扔在地上,踢了她几脚。娜塔丽娅反击了,两人走到停机坪前,娜塔丽娅想把她劝退,但两人仍然握着右手。娜塔莉亚把丽芙·摩根从围裙上刺穿了桌子。里奥特检查了摩根。回到拳击台,娜塔莉亚打了一记漂亮的德国球然后给洛根打了一记棒球滑球。娜塔莉亚把她扔到街垒里,然后打了她一巴掌。娜塔莉亚去拿炸弹,但里奥特反抗了出来,娜塔莉亚把她送进了街垒。娜塔莉亚通过一张桌子把摩根弄倒了。Riott对Natalya说了些废话然后把她送进了钢台阶。回到拳击台,纳塔莉亚试图用德语将她打倒在桌子上,但被挡住了。 Natalya with the sharpshooter but Riott was able to tip the table where it fell on Natalya. Moments later, Natalya hit an electric chair. Natalya grabbed a table that had an image of Ruby on it then put on a Jim Neidharts jacket. Riott caught her with a super kick and went to the top rope but Natalya knocked her off. Natalya placed her on the top rope but Ruby hit a head kick. Natalya with a powerbomb to Ruby through the table for the win.



他们在比赛开始前开始争吵,只是麦金太尔把他拆开了一会儿。巴洛发起了反击,并获得了一系列的重击。麦金太尔把他放在最上面的绳子上,但巴洛尔把他打倒在地,并踢了他几脚。巴洛走到最上面的绳子上,麦金太尔把他扔过了拳击台。麦金太尔一连串的击中,然后又扔了一拳。麦金太尔在巴洛尔的左臂上工作,直到巴洛尔反击了几次,以便让球迷回到比赛中。巴洛用双脚跺了一脚,然后用一根晾衣绳出了擂台。巴洛向外扑向麦金太尔。回到拳击场上,巴洛尔用吊带剑接住对方,但被麦金太尔用背断拳接住。巴洛尔把他翻到2分,然后用头踢他,然后走到停机坪,但麦金太尔把他打倒在地,用头撞他。 Dolph Ziggler comes out of nowhere and super kicks McIntyre then grabs a chair but McIntyre kicked him in the face. Balor drop kicked McIntyre into the corner then hit the double foot stomp for the win.


椅子比赛:Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton


赢家:Rey Mysterio

WWE原始女子头衔比赛:隆达·鲁西©vs. Nia Jax


获奖者:Ronda Rousey©

WWE冠名比赛:Daniel Bryan©vs. AJ Styles

斯泰尔斯直击拳王,一连串的劈击和踢腿。布莱恩用他自己的一脚回击,避免了一个吊球,直到他撞到一个吊球。斯泰尔斯把布莱恩晾在地上,然后向外俯冲,但腹部被踢中。回到拳击台,布莱恩在斯泰尔斯的腿部和背部进行练习,布莱恩继续对斯泰尔斯进行压制,直到斯泰尔斯成功反击,击中了大联盟的晾衣绳。斯泰尔斯接了一连串的右拳和踢腿,然后是2分的晾衣绳。事情扩散到拳击台,斯泰尔斯继续殴打他,并把他送到了拳击台的柱子上。回到拳击台,斯泰尔斯一脚,然后是一记反扑但布莱恩连续打在脸上膝盖上然后是一记德国拳,两分。布莱恩踢了AJ一记2分。过了一会儿,AJ用头踢住了他,然后用前臂射门,但当他准备做一个跳板动作时,布莱恩挡掉了。AJ用环柱练习布莱恩的左腿。 Bryan fired back with a series of kicks then placed him on the top rope where AJ reversed and went for the Styles Clash but Bryan fought out. AJ with a half crab submission. Bryan and AJ trade kicks then Styles hit a spring board 450 splash for 2. AJ locked in the calf crusher on Bryan but Bryan got to the bottom rope to break it. Styles hit a forearm strike to Bryan on the floor then back in the ring, AJ went for it again but missed and avoided a knee strike. AJ with a roll up and Bryan turned it around and got the pin.


WWE洲际冠军赛:Seth Rollins©vs. Dean Ambrose

他们在比赛开始前争吵起来,然后罗林斯击中了一个飞起的晾衣绳,并在角落的跳板上开枪。安布罗斯滚到地上,撞到一根晾衣绳,然后把他的脸撞到桌子上。回到拳击台,安布罗斯用右手把他打倒,然后一记重击。安布罗斯走到最上面的绳上,肘击2分。安布罗斯被锁住了,但赛斯逃脱了。安布罗斯把他扔到角落里,击中了晾衣绳,然后肘部落下,得到2分,然后甩出了一记扭脖子的球,得到2分。他们交换了翻滚,直到安布罗斯锁定了一个三叶草屈服,但赛斯摆脱了它,赛斯在外面扑倒了对手。回到拳击台,赛斯走到最上面的绳上,但安布罗斯把他打倒了。赛斯想要做一个日落空翻,但他滑倒了,然后又去做了一次,把它打在角落里。他们交换了右手,然后安布罗斯打了一个双鸡翅扣杀。 Seth landed a knee strike to the nose of Ambrose. Seth went for a frog splash but Ambrose put up the knees and covered him for 2. Ambrose with a big boot then went to the top rope but Seth ran up and hit a suplex then the falcon arrow for 2. Ambrose went for the Shield fist bump but Seth kicked him in the face and then landed a series of right hands then tossed him into the barricade. Seth powerbombed him into the barricade. Out of nowhere, Ambrose hit Dirty Deeds and covered him for the win.


WWE SmackDown女子冠军TLC比赛:Becky Lynch©vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Asuka

林奇和Flair开始争吵,飞鸟踢了林奇一脚。所有的女人都开始争吵起来。林奇对飞鸟的背部进行了一系列膝盖打击然后又对Flair进行了一系列打击结果Flair用一记重击击倒了冠军。Flair和飞鸟把梯子搬了进来。Flair扔了一架梯子到飞鸟身上,然后用桌子砸了林奇。Flair用梯子踢到了Lynch的脸上,Flair和飞鸟打了一拳。飞鸟带着密码破译器去找Flair。飞鸟对林奇一连串的打击,然后从中间的绳上甩到梯子上。飞鸟搭了个梯子,结果Flair把她的脸砸在梯子上。飞鸟用强力炸弹炸穿了一张桌子。 Lynch landed a drop kick off the top rope to Asuka that knocked her off. Asuka knocked Lynch off the apron but Flair caught Asuka in the back with a chair. Flair took them out with a moonsault off the top rope. Lynch caught Flair in the back with a chair and the same to Asuka. Flair landed a big boot and sent Lynch into the barricade. Lynch knocked her down, placed her on the announce table and Lynch jumped off the ladder and landed a leg drop to Flair. Asuka avoided that nasty spot and climbed the ladder. Lynch and Asuka traded hands on top of the ladder. Flair hit them both in the back with a kendo stick. Lynch suplexed Flair onto a table that placed up against the barricade. Flair speared Asuka through the barricade that didn’t collapse all the way. Back in the ring, Lynch climbed the ladder and was stopped by Flair. They trade right hands until Flair was sent face first into a ladder. Flair fired back with a series of chops. Flair placed her on a table and did a front senton off the middle rope through Lynch. Flair and Asuka battled on the ladder for the title. Lynch brought in another ladder and placed it next to the other one. Asuka fell down then Ronda Rousey came down to the ring and pushed Lynch and Flair off the ladder then walked to the back. Asuka climbed the ladder and grabbed the title for the win!
