

欢迎来到WWE反弹展前,我们住在WWE网络。蕾妮年轻,Booker T,和彼得罗森博格的面板。有几个视频包突出显示所有匹配的卡片。




他们锁定开始比赛,做一些连锁摔跤。罗林斯被他狠狠的打一些排骨。罗林斯派他到角落,用晾衣绳连接。然而,捐助然后敲了赛斯的围裙引导。环,捐助了一些排骨和赛斯膝盖攻击肠道。捐助一些膝盖罢工的冠军。罗林斯他滚2然后错过了superkick捐助与2的种植滴滴涕。罗林斯回击一些罢工和发送捐助的脸第一接合。罗林斯的弹簧刀然后晾衣绳上他自杀潜水到地板上跟进。环,罗林斯错过了弹簧板移动和捐助了他修整器但是罗林斯卷2。 Rollins with the blockbuster off the middle rope for 2. Miz went for the Figure Four but Rollins kicked his way out of it. Rollins with a forearm strike then a springboard clothesline. Miz knocked Rollins off the apron and to the floor. Back in the ring, Miz went for a crossbody but Rollins caught him and landed a powerslam for 2. Rollins went to the top rope and hit a frog splash off the top rope for 2. Rollins went for the Stomp but Miz rolled out of the ring and chased him around. Rollins clotheslines him and went for an outside dive but Miz caught him with a forearm strike. Miz went for a DDT on the apron but Rollins blocked it. Miz with a big boot and they exchange strikes on the apron. Back in the ring, Miz locked in the Figure Four Leg Lock but Rollins reversed it and Miz let go. Miz went for it again but Rollins blocked and they exchanged chops. Miz with a big boot and a head kick by Rollins to follow. Miz connected with the Skull Crushing Finale for 2. Miz went to the top rope but Rollins ran up and met him and hit a superplex. Miz blocked the second one and hit the Skull Crushing Finale for 2. Miz went for his finisher off the second rope but Rollins landed some elbows. Rollins missed the Stomp and Miz rolled him up but Rollins got out and hit the Stomp for the win.

赢家:罗林斯- IC冠军


幸福与几个快速罢工和踢Jax开始做事了。Jax向后弯曲的手臂幸福然后触及飞溅在角落里臀部扔,另一个溅紧随其后。Jax解雇了。环,幸福把腿踢在Jax和抓住她的头踢了右手。幸福与跺的Jax拍击。Jax奋起反击,但错过了连壁和Jax又一连串的罢工。Jax去萨摩亚下降但幸福到断头台窒息的绳索,但是Jax撞到了角落里。Jax一系列肘部然后抛掉中间的绳子。Jax大晒衣绳和另一个扔在戒指。Jax与飞溅在角落里然后去中间的绳子但幸福敲她的绳子和倒在地板上。幸福钢DDT的台阶上。 Back in the ring, Bliss covered Jax for 2. Jax caught Bliss and went for a samoan drop off the middle rope but Bliss blocked and hit a shoulder block to the back of the new of Jax for 2. Bliss went to the top rope and went for her finisher but Jax caught her and connected with the samoan drop for the win.

赢家:Jax -仍然生女子冠军


他们锁定和奥尔顿敲他一个肩膀块1。哈迪颚式破碎机,通过绳索抛踢球其次是另一个。哈代飞晾衣绳掉围裙。环,哈迪抓到他的手肘但奥尔顿把他从上往下绳子。奥尔顿一些上钩拳,哈代在地板上。哈代跑和跳下来到奥尔顿然后登陆一些右手钢步骤。奥尔顿送他到钢步骤然后回来后拉抱到街垒的三倍。奥尔顿送他回戒指,跺着脚四肢的冠军。奥尔顿的面前后拉抱到上面的绳子,锁在一个迎头一击。哈代的战斗,在风中低语。 As Hardy was making his comeback, Orton landed a powerslam for 2. Hardy knocked him into the corner and went for a double drop kick but Orton connected with a big boot. Orton went for the second rope DDT and hit it. Orton went for the RKO but Hardy hit the Twist of Fate. Hardy went to the top rope and hit the Swanton Bomb for the win.

赢家:哈代- U。年代冠军






卡梅拉开始跳舞然后抓起她的标题和试图离开但天赋阻止了她。天赋追赶着她,把她撞倒在地上,拉着她的头发。环,才能盖在她2。小包装的天赋。卡梅拉撞倒她然后锁在腋下说话时垃圾。才能走出这一卷,但卡梅拉触及大启动1然后锁在一个迎头一击。天赋下了一遍但卡梅拉逆转,把她的头发然后开始拍打她的周围。天赋与用一系列排卡梅拉的胸部那么一些膝盖下降。人群并不匹配。卡梅拉抓住了她很大的引导和抨击天赋脖子第一个到围裙。 Carmella started talking more trash but Flair caught her with a spear. Flair went for the Figure Four but Carmella blocked and reversed it into the Code of Silence but Flair got out and landed a big boot for 2. Flair missed a moonsault off the top rope, which led to Flair selling her left knee and Carmella rolled her up for the win.


WWE冠军没有DQ匹配:©与中村Shinsuke AJ样式

他们开始争吵开始匹配,AJ绊倒他,落一些右手。AJ丢进了角落但中村与大靴子和肘部。AJ切断他与断路器。AJ把他送到地上,触及溅了街垒中村之前发送到街垒几次。AJ错过第二飞溅。中村派风格膝盖前到钢步骤。中村与膝盖下降然后围裙送他回到他覆盖2的戒指。中村触及膝盖下降2以及背景接着工作他在继续杀威棒。中村滴把他赶出了戒指。风格与前臂罢工,弹簧板移动但中村撞倒他。 Back in the ring, Nakamura locked in a headlock, which AJ got out of it with a big right hand. AJ with a forearm strike then went for a spring board move but Nakamura caught him and landed a knee strike to the gut. Nakamura with a sit down powerslam for 2. Nakamura grabbed a chair but AJ knocked it out and landed some right hands but Nakamura connected with a head kick. Nakamura with a reverse exploader to AJ on a chair for 2. Nakamura went for his finisher but AJ threw a chair at him. This spot cut open the side of AJ’s face. AJ went for the Styles Clash but Nakamura got out of it and AJ knocked him off the apron. AJ went for a spring board move but Nakamura got back into the ring and AJ hit a forearm strike then a neck breaker for 2. AJ went for Styles Clash but Nakamura caught him with a low blow but AJ connected with one of his own. They exchange right hands then another double low blow and neither man got to their feet in time for the count of ten.



拉什利和欧文斯开始做事了。拉什利送他到了角落里,落枪但跑进一个大启动第二个。拉什利的摆动的脖子断路器2。现在Zayn但走进一个晾衣绳然后另一个角落里。拉什利肘部在角落里。欧文斯分心拉什利让Zayn将他从围裙。欧文斯是标记,点击后溅在地板上。欧文斯走一圈但是拉什利把他的膝盖在Strowman和标记,打击一些晾衣绳上欧文斯。Strowman主演Zayn,追逐他的戒指。Strowman身体检查欧文斯和发送Zayn街垒。Strowman矛但吃了戒指。 Zayn now legal and tried to leave, Owens stopped him. They argued and Zayn sent Owens into the ring while Zayn left. Strowman knocked Owens down and Owens then did the same thing to Zayn, who slapped Owens, and then left. Strowman with a splash, Lashley with spinebuster to Owens. Lashley hit his powerslam finisher for the win.



乔赛前攻击他,叫他冲破一个宣布在比赛场的表。一旦比赛开始,乔打他进一步下降并被锁在下巴锁。结果,球迷开始欢呼厘米朋克和乔笑着说,他持有的锁。乔反弹在角落里然后头踢2。乔与一些膝盖罢工下巴锁然后回来。球迷们对这场比赛不激动。统治下了,但乔把他送到外面的地板上,创下了跳水。环,乔与一个臂锁球迷高呼这是无聊的。统治了它与一系列的右手,一踢,围裙。环,乔打几大靴子然后闪2。 Joe went for a powerslam but Reigns fought out of it with back elbows and then a spinebuster. The crowd then chanted “beat the traffic.” Reigns went for the drive bye but Joe blocked with attempting the rear-naked choke but Reigns got out of it and hit the superman punch for 2. Reigns with a spear to Joe for 2. Joe with an up kick and locked in the Coquina Clutch but Reigns reversed it into a pin attempt for 2. Reigns rolled him up again but Joe locked in the Clutch submission but Reigns got to the rope to break it. Reigns avoided a move and hit a spear for the win.
