

Jimmy Wang Yang在一次采访中告诉Steve Fall,在被释放一年后,他是如何在2006年重返WWE的。


“这是一个疯狂的故事。一天晚上,我想找个女人上床,附近有个付费场,我想给一个女孩弄到票,然后就做了这一切。这是在我被解雇之后。那小妞真辣。你知道,他们离我很近,票也很好,什么都有,当我出现的时候,你知道,我和文斯相遇了,他说,‘吉米。你去哪了?’我说,‘你炒了我。’他说,‘什么?我做到了。“它变得很忙。他说我会回来和你谈谈然后一天就过去了。肖恩·迈克尔斯在和精神小队摔跤。 The spot that they did was Shawn Michaels when The Spirit Squad came out there, lifted him up, went through the table, Shawn was like, ‘I’m not sure if I want to do that.’ They said, ‘Oh, well, let’s do it to make him feel comfortable doing it.’ I was sitting at catering texting this hot chick, like, ‘Hey, I got tickets or whatever.’ They came running to me and they said, ‘Jimmy, Jimmy, what are you doing?’ I said, ‘I’m eating in catering.’ They said, ‘Can we use you real quick?’ I was like, ‘Sure.’ I go to the ring, and the Spirit Squad, Shawn Michaels, Vince, and Michael P.S. Hayes was there. They said, ‘Jimmy, do you mind if we just throw you up and put you through this table?’ I’m like, ‘Okay.’ So I’m getting ready. I get in the ring and then Michael Hayes tells Vince, ‘Hey Vince, do think Jimmy should do it? He’s not under contract.’ He said, ‘He should be under contract. Let him do it.’ They threw me up 20 feet in the air, went through the table, and Shawn asked me how it felt. I said, ‘It wasn’t too bad.’ Then he did that spot.”

“我回去做餐饮,你知道,为晚上准备东西。然后他们又来找我。“嘿,吉米,你明天能来哥伦布参加RAW吗?”“在我的脑海里,那天晚上我要做什么,整晚不睡觉,做什么都行,我就想,‘是啊,我想是吧。我会来RAW的,所以计划改变了。我去了RAW。我去了,他们说‘嘿,你介意和查理·哈斯在周日热火队打一场比赛吗?’我说,‘当然。然后我们进行了比赛,在我看来,我们进行了一场非常精彩的比赛。在那之后,他们说,‘嘿,你明天能来辛辛那提参加‘重击拳’吗?’我说,‘我想上床’,但我说无所谓。那是我很长一段时间的家乡,所以我说,‘是的,我要下来。’ When I walked in, they said ‘Hey, come with me’, and they offered me my job back.”