

推罗的反应与MuscleManMalcolm -寇根接受采访时的言论。

“我只是笑。比利总是试图室温。如果你看每一个历史性的时刻在流行文化中,他的存在。丹尼斯·罗德曼消失了,在车里是谁?比利-寇根。他就像黑白照片的人你看到第二次世界大战,就不寒而栗。他拿起武器对我来说,就像我说的,“老板,你不需要为我争战。如果他们恨我,还看我,一切都好。“如果你是一个摔跤迷,嘘我,我不在乎,大多数人都鼓励我,它不会对我没有影响。我很欣赏。 It’s less of fans and it’s more of the internet geeks and internet guys who are 45 years old and they write fantasy wrestling stories. I’m not really upset about that. I give zero [fucks] about that. It gives attention and buzz and everyone talks about it. If you’ve been to a show and they’re cheering and asking me to kiss babies on the head and grandmas jumping up trying to show me love, I only care about the people that watch and buy tickets. Some jackass on the computer, hate me. I know what you cheer for, I love it, bring it. Boo me, whatever.”

“这是另一回事。有两个摔跤手插话。你让所有人讨厌推罗,跟我来。让我们看看你的数字与大众跳起来的人恨我,我将给你一个标题。我不在乎你是谁。当你只有12更喜欢和四个来自家庭成员,你什么也得不到。他们不等同于任何东西。社交媒体是唯一真正的如果你到社交媒体,和我不是。选择任何名单,身后的你的仇敌,我们给他打了一针。我打赌你不会。 That takes hard work, coordination, and intelligence to pick somebody and y’all get together. To the trolls on the internet, kiss my entire ass.”

