

在周日的《WrestleMania 39》比赛中,罗曼·雷恩斯击败了科迪·罗兹,赢得了无可争议的WWE环球冠军。Triple H在演出结束后的新闻发布会上宣布了这一决定。


“你想把故事讲到哪里?你想怎么讲?”在那一刻,你会想,‘天哪,我真不敢相信。“如果你在看电影,你认为电影中的每一个场景都是电影的最后一个场景,‘我不敢相信他们这样做了,这是有史以来最糟糕的电影。“哦,等等,还有呢。我们要称多少呢?每一天的每一刻。有时候我想睡觉却睡不着,那是因为我在脑子里权衡了一下,我希望我能睡着。它是你想的全部,它消耗了你做的每件事的每一刻。你能感觉到。有时你的感觉是错的,有时你的感觉是对的。我只知道它总是在继续,故事不会在这里结束。 Some people will look at it and say, ‘if you did this, it would have been better.’ You don’t know that, do you? You’re never going to know because if you did the other thing, it might not have worked out the way you wanted to. People might not have reacted the way you wanted to. It’s always feel and where you are at that moment, honestly, it’s the right place to be and that’s where you have to be and bank on what’s next. If you continue to tell the story and if I didn’t feel like we had a compelling story on the other side, it wouldn’t be the decision.”


(h/t抄写给Jeremy Lambert)