


这个节目是在2011年,虽然我从2003年到2008年没有参加过摔跤比赛,但我记得这场比赛。我不知道是怎么发生的,为什么会发生,但我记得。这一届的“摔角狂热”在亚特兰大的乔治亚巨蛋体育馆举行,有71,617人到场,成交超过1,000,000次。根据这些数字,很难说这是一个失败。然而,如果我们看卡的其余部分,我们有一个来自岩石的外观;在我看来,约翰·塞纳输给了米兹,让米兹在一场被低估的宿怨中保住了WWE冠军。Edge击败了Alberto Del里约热内卢,保住了世界冠军。科迪·罗兹在另一场被低估的竞争中击败了蕾伊·神秘人,兰迪·奥顿和朋克,Undertaker和Triple H在一场无阻碍的比赛中(Undertaker在这里取得了19胜0负)。所以,这张卡在很大程度上是堆叠的,有一些稳固的宿敌和比赛。这场狂热也被两场令人失望的比赛破坏了。 Michael Cole beat Jerry Lawler in Lawler’s only WrestleMania match, which seems impossible seeing as how he debuted in 1992, and a six-person intergender match with John Morrison, Snooki, and Trish Stratus against Dolph Ziggler and LayCool. Now the WWE tried to surround Snooki with some decent star power and talented workers, but even with the Jersey Shore show’s peak in 2011, we were in Atlanta, and the crowd wasn’t interested. The match only went 3:16, so there’s that.


在这场Rumble比赛中,我刚满16岁,发现Rumble中凯里的片段很有趣。事实上,我现在仍然这么认为。文斯·麦克马洪邀请他参加皇家拳击比赛,当时麦克马洪先生正在毫无理由地对人进行报复。我们几乎不知道两个月后他和奥斯汀之间会发生什么,但那是另一天了。凯里排在杰夫·哈迪、布尔·布坎南、马特·哈迪和法鲁克之前,他们已经互相淘汰了对方。凯里一个人在擂台上玩得很开心,直到6号上场。灯光熄灭,火光照亮了舞台,凯恩走了出来。凯恩一上场,凯里看了他一眼,就退出了比赛。在摔跤比赛中,我们再也没有听到凯里的消息。凯恩一直坚持到29号,然后被前面提到的史蒂夫·奥斯汀淘汰。 This was also the Rumble match, now known as the “Hardcore Rumble,” thanks to Raven introducing weapons. In the grand scheme of things, it didn’t hurt to have Carey in the match because he didn’t actually get physical, but it just begs the question of why he was there to begin with. The Honky Tonk Man also appeared on this show at #12. Meanwhile, X-Pac, Road Dogg, and Steven Richards were not in the match (Richards appeared in the corner of Ivory during her Women’s Title match against Chyna). Again, Carey’s appearance didn’t hurt anything, it’s just forgettable.


这是WWE又一段被遗忘的时光。由于没有总裁或总经理这样的权威人物,WWE每周都要列出一大堆明星嘉宾主持的名单。杰里米·皮文,休·杰克曼,鲍勃·巴克,赛斯·格林,马克·库班,匹兹堡钢人o型线加上本·罗斯利斯伯格,奥尼尔,名单还在继续。我们有不是摔跤手的名人和运动员,他们可能不看摔跤,也不会做摔跤决定……好吧。虽然这段时期确实产生了一些令人难忘的时刻,如肖和大秀之间的对峙,谢默斯把库班摔过桌子,克里斯杰里科的出现在价格是对的(在Raw舞台上),也有很多节目,如ZZ Top的插曲和Pee Wee Herman。一些后台的互动,但仅此而已。这个明星嘉宾主持时代开始于2009年7月15日,当时唐纳德·特朗普买下了《周一之夜》,并做了一整集没有商业广告的节目。接下来的一周,麦克马洪“把它买回来了”,但合同中有一个条款,即由一位名人嘉宾主持主持Raw周刊。共有79位名人嘉宾主持。最终,他们采用了匿名GM,我不知道这是更好还是更坏,然后他们也抛弃了它。 Oh man, I just remembered the Al Sharpton episode. Now I have a headache.

7.Mr. T在WrestleMania II

《疯狂摔角1》的故事现在已经广为人知。未来某一天,我们会在一篇文章中讲述这场演出之前发生的内部财务运作和愉快的意外事件;我敢肯定。然而,最大的卖点是一张明星云集的卡片,麦迪逊广场花园的魅力,以及盛大的主要活动。浩克·霍根和T先生对阵罗迪·派珀和保罗·奥恩多夫。据说,如果这个节目失败了,文斯·麦克马洪的商业帝国倒下后,他就会在街角卖热狗了。我不知道我是否一定相信,但无论如何风险都很高。我们都知道,这部剧轰动一时,其他的,就像他们说的,都是历史了。他们试图在三个不同的地点运行《摔角狂飙II》,以改善气氛,增加节目的影响力范围。第一小时在纽约,第二小时在芝加哥,第三小时在洛杉矶直播。 Each hour had its own unique main event. Chicago’s was a battle royal that featured some Chicago Bears players, including William “Refrigerator” Perry. Los Angeles was led by Hulk Hogan and King Kong Bundy for the WWF Title inside of the big blue steel cage. New York would get a call back to WrestleMania I when Mr. T and Roddy Piper had a boxing match. I’ve heard Piper tell stories of this match, and I tend to believe him because there is video evidence of the match to back up his claim. First, these two legitimately did not like each other. According to Piper and other wrestlers of the era, Mr. T came in and thought that he was king for a day and gave most of the locker room little respect. People like Piper, Orndorff, Orton, and others had paid their dues and thought that the main event of a mega show should’ve gone to one of them and not an outsider. According to Piper, during the boxing match, Mr. T was supposed to hit Piper with a left hook causing Piper to fall through the ropes and out of the ring. Mr. T missed the punch by a few inches, and although Piper still went with the spot, he was now angered because of the gaff. The moment Piper threw the stool at Mr. T, according to Piper, was to p*ss Mr. T off so he would want to actually hit Piper. As Piper said: “I’d rather you knock my teeth out than hit me with a popcorn punch.” Mr. T would win by DQ, but Piper, along with most of the fans, ignores the fact that this match ever happened.




从哪里开始呢?我可以很容易地写一篇关于“全民混战”锦标赛的愚蠢至极的文章,但我们现在先把它放在一边。不管怎样,比赛确实发生了,我们看到巴特·葛恩这个不太可能的英雄和他值得信赖的左传中夺得了冠军。他的奖吗?与真正的拳击手和职业拳击手对战他以惊人的击倒闻名,Butterbean。如果你是一个不熟悉Butterbean的年轻粉丝,你会发现他在20世纪90年代确实很迷人。他被认为是“超级重量级”,因为他的体重超过350磅,因此,他不能参加传统的法定拳击比赛。在他打过的比赛中,大多数都以击倒对手而告终。比赛的传统目的是给人一些炫耀的机会或一场冠军比赛,而不是这样,他们实际上把巴特·冈恩送上了屠宰场。现在,巴特·冈恩的综合格斗生涯,1胜1负,在日本有一个成功的摔跤生涯,但他几乎不得不从美国的摔跤舞台上消失,因为这基本上是他在世界自然基金会的职业生涯的结束。 Gunn started with the WWF in 1993 as one half of the tag team known as “The Smoking Gunns” with Billy Gunn. The Smoking Gunns, all in all, were a successful tag team, but Billy broke off and floundered for a bit before finding Road Dogg Jesse James and DX. Bart Gunn would find the New Midnight Express in that god-awful NWA Invasion angle with Bob Holly and Jim Cornette. In 1998 he would win the Brawl for All, beating Bob Holly (the only one he didn’t knock out), then Dr. Death Steve Williams, beat The Godfather, and Bradshaw in the finals. After sitting at home for several months after this win, he was brought back to TV in February to begin training with Ray Rinaldi in preparations for Butterbean. He lost in 35 seconds after being knocked down, then knocked out. Shortly thereafter, he was released and never heard from again in the WWF. By the way, Butterbean’s record is 77-10 with 58 knockouts and 4 draws.


浩克·霍根在WCW的早期比赛中获胜。1993年,由于一台摄像机在他脸上爆炸,他失去了世界自然基金会的冠军,从此离开了世界自然基金会。霍根去了更绿的地方,拍摄了一部新的电视节目《天堂的麻烦》。根据传说,里克·斯Flair找到埃里克·比肖夫,让他去找霍根,甚至安排会面,我们知道之后发生了什么。Bash at the Beach是他与WCW的第一场比赛,因为他将与Ric Flair争夺WCW世界冠军。陪霍根上场的是非凡的经理吉米·哈特。奥尼尔是NBA世界上冉冉升起的新星,效力于奥兰多魔术中心,是t先生。他是《摔跤狂1》的搭档,在20世纪90年代初,他几乎不为人知。不知什么原因,他又出现在这里了。有了奥尼尔的名字价值,引进T先生的决定最多是令人困惑的。更让人困惑的是那个在1992年还在世界自然基金会(WWF)时就开始听到嘘声的霍根(Hogan)角色,在没有任何变化或调整的情况下又回来了。尽管WCW的观众一开始见到他很兴奋,但新鲜感很快就会消失。到1995年,他开始与可怕的《Dungeon of Doom》和1994年的主要事件《Starrcade》发生争执,当时他与Brutus Beefcake,抱歉,是the Butcher。 After the Flair match at Bash at the Beach, Hogan would win the title in his WCW debut, and Mr. T would not be seen again in the wrestling world until he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, which is another story for another day. That reminds me, I need to call my mom.

3.约翰·韦恩·鲍比特(John Wayne Bobbit)在世界自然基金会(WWF)的舞台上崭露头角

这不仅是摔跤电视节目中最令人尴尬的事情之一,而且可以说是有史以来最愚蠢的故事线之一。让我们重温它。Val Venis,一个色情明星花花公子,在世界自然基金会中成名很大程度上是因为他正好符合态度时代,但让我们给这个淡紫色的男人应有的待遇;从各方面来看,他还是一个很好的摔跤手。还有一群日本摔跤手Dick Togo, Sho Funaki, Men’s Teioh以派系名称“Kaientai”和他们的经纪人Wally Yamaguchi或…Yamaguchi-san。呵。沃利有一个可爱的女人每天晚上陪着他们去拳击场,她是沃利的妻子。这不是一个很聪明的举动,主要是因为我不记得她像伊丽莎白小姐那样绊倒任何对手或扯掉自己的裙子。最终,就像色情明星们倾向于做的那样,瓦尔开始渴望山口太太,甚至会和她拍性爱录像,因为这是一段关系的正常进展。被激怒的山口会开始威胁瓦尔,说他会“把你的小弟弟给炸了。” This would eventually lead to Val being kidnapped, and we would eventually see him in a room backstage naked, tied up with his hands over his head and his Valbowski swinging in the breeze while Yamaguchi has a sword. I’m not making any of this up if you didn’t see this. As Wally goes for the choppy, the lights go out, and Val is rescued. The following week we would find out that John Wayne Bobbit is the one who saved him. Val would bring him into the ring and make several penis jokes while John was in the ring, and luckily that was as far as the angle went. Truly terrible.


基于这一事件,有许多事情可以谈论和切线。首先,最后是WCW,这个具体的预定决定,他们试图完成的事情(在一定程度上确实起了作用),善后,还有很多事情。但现在,我们只关注这一件事。我们是怎么走到这一步的?WCW在《准备轰轰乱炸》制作时已经进入了电影行业,由戈德堡、DDP、兰迪·萨维奇、坎扬担任特技替身,奥利弗·普拉特、斯科特·卡恩和乔·潘托利亚诺与阿奎特合作。为了宣传电影和利用阿奎特的明星效应,大卫决定在《雷霆》的一集里的一场团体比赛中赢得WCW世界重量级冠军。前面那句话里的单词都是正确的。这场比赛是阿奎特和DDP对阵杰夫·贾勒特和埃里克·比肖夫。阿奎特在之前的节目中被殴打,但勇敢地回到擂台刺穿和钉死比肖夫,而DDP正在钉死贾勒特。尽管如此,裁判还是数了比肖夫的肩膀,使阿奎特成为冠军。 There are a few reasons why this one is not #1, but there are also a few reasons why it should be #1. Why it should be #1 is obvious, but let’s not discount the fact that this was on THUNDER. Not a PPV, not even an episode of Nitro, Thunder. As far as why it isn’t #1, well, in a vacuum, the publicity did work. The outside world took notice of WCW for a moment as this had never been done before. Although it may have intrigued some, it was essentially the last straw for the WCW faithful. DDP had also mentioned that when Arquette was told he would be crowned champion, Arquette wanted nothing to do with it and even tried to get out of it. Add in Arquette’s wrestling career in the last few years to prove his love of the business, plus him giving his PPV payoff after his title win to Brian Pillman’s family, and Arquette has redeemed himself to most people. So below the surface, there are some redeeming qualities to this win, but a few years prior, WCW pulled another stunt with no redeeming qualities, which is why this is #2. So, what’s #1?


如果你仔细想想,1998年可能是霍根在这个行业中最糟糕的一年。现在,nWo的噱头已经用了整整两年,这个版本的霍根也开始变得乏味了。这群人只是践踏人没有停止的迹象,两个例外是DDP和Goldberg,谁进入这个节目作为世界冠军后,刚刚在格鲁吉亚圆顶在Nitro击败霍根。你可以随便说埃里克·比肖夫,但他知道怎么搞生意。知道公司需要一剂强心针,因为世界自然基金会正处于奥斯汀3:16模式,他开始在摔跤之外寻找一些热闹。丹尼斯·罗德曼和卡尔·马龙在夏天的早些时候被提及过,他们两人当然履行了他们的协议。让我们回到霍根的1998年。在《灵魂出窍》中,他上了节目,但没有摔跤;超级大乱斗VIII,他在1997年星际竞技的惨败后输给了斯汀争夺空缺的世界冠军未经审查,他在一个毫无意义的钢笼子里与萨维奇进行了一场无竞争的战斗。在《Spring Stampede》中,他参加了一场Bat on a Pole的追逐比赛,没有出现在Slamboree,另一场Great American Bash的追逐比赛,马龙和罗德曼在Bash At the Beach的比赛,我们将要讨论的《Road Wild》的比赛,最糟糕的战争游戏,当他被勇士赶出笼子时,在《浩劫》中与勇士的灾难,然后没有出现在《World War 3》或《Starrcade》中。 Not exactly a banner year. Now, heading into this match at Road Wild, WCW needed some buzz, so Hogan and Bischoff invaded the Jay Leno set and took over the show in a legitimately genius move. It did a great job getting some outside attention, and they would continue the trend by having Hogan and Bischoff doing their version of the Late Show on WCW Nitro. Indeed, we’re headed for Hogan with Eric Bischoff in his corner against DDP and Jay Leno in his corner. If only. Hogan and Bischoff v DDP and Leno. I’m sure it wasn’t intended, but Kevin Eubanks from the Leno show walked with them to the ring, and he was absolutely ripped. Why not Eubanks? This match was not good and hit rock bottom when Leno was performing offensive moves on Hogan (an arm twist, to be fair). It angered the veterans and started turning off some fans from the show. We weren’t angered enough to stop watching, but we were perturbed. With back-to-back celebrity main events in consecutive pay-per-views, plus the Warrior going Baby Huey all over WCW, this was when some holes started to appear in the WCW ship.

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