
克里斯·杰里科最近作为嘉宾出现在Swerve City播客上接受采访。



当我转身离开,我们开始了耶利哥欣赏协会,里奇·沃德实际上为犹大做了一个混音。跟唱的少了一点,很不一样。托尼不想这么做。他想保留原歌。很多人会说,‘你这么笨,为什么你有一首人人都唱的歌。他说得很有道理。如果我们杀了这首歌,你有一周的热度,那你要怎么处理你的音乐?只有铃声。我们有一些有机的东西是我们的观众在开始唱犹大的时候创造出来的。你会不会因为我是个坏人就割掉自己的鼻子来泄愤拿走我们节目的标志之一?这两种情况真的重要吗? You’re killing a great moment just because you don’t want people cheering. The whole concept of what wrestling is, is to get people cheering and get people involved. Once the match starts, I’ll get the heat. That song is so much a hallmark of Dynamite and AEW, to not play it just because I turned heel would be a disservice to something we created that is special. He had a great point. As soon as he pointed it out, I was like, ‘You’re totally right.’ People just like to be involve and sing along.”

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