小姐评论Ric Flair的最新手术

据TMZ.com报道,Ric Flair已经出院,据说精神状态良好。


“我和其他人一样听说了。当我听说这一切的时候,我正在国外,事情正在发生。你担心是因为,你知道,他是个男人。说真的,作为一个孩子,你想成为里克·Flair,而现在我在WWE中穿着西装戴着墨镜,因为这就是我从小看的:里克·Flair。他们总是说,拿一点你最喜欢的,变成你自己的。他一直都是他们中的一员,所以很高兴听到他恢复得很好,一切都很好。他一直在战斗,伙计。没有什么能打倒里克·Flair。里克·Flair的生活是前所未有的。每次我在后台看到他,他都是一个非常开心的人,他真的是最好的人,他会说,“女士! Woooo!’ Always giving a ‘Woooo’, you know? So it’s always good to hear that he’s doing okay. That’s what he’s grown up doing, his entire life, just always fighting. So now as he gets older, the great part that I always hear about him is that…you always hear stories of him partying, him going out, you know? And now it’s like, he’s taking it easy and actually taking care of himself. Every time I see him he’s telling me about how he’s eating right and he’s doing cardio, all that kind of stuff. Thank God for our doctors that can go in there and figure out what’s wrong and do their due diligence and make sure he’s okay.”
