《百变星君》Ted DiBiase反映访问文斯麦克马洪的房子

《百变星君》Ted DiBiase老最近来访反映在长期WWE主席。




他最喜欢的比赛在日本:“我最终成为斯坦·汉森的标签的团队伙伴,和球迷们,日本摔跤实体的…这不是WWE的一部分了。他们有两个组织,所有日本职业摔跤,摔跤。我认为,这就像在我12岁的时候,我的爸爸去日本一次为期六周的旅行。在日本这是职业摔跤时开始。不管怎样,我走过去所有日本职业摔跤,最终另一家公司的人的名字是金针菇。他脱离了所有新创建的日本和日本职业摔跤。我总是坚持所有的日本,你知道,忠诚是一件大事。和他们的一个家伙,我遇见他当我还在大学里踢足球。因为,人的恐惧是恐惧家庭预订人才对日本将结束。是的。 And so they had a really close relationship. So one of the guys they sent to Amarillo, the Amarillo territory was this guy who actually had his name was Teda Jumbo Teda. Okay. You know he had an amateur background, he wrestled, he wrestled for Japan in the Olympics, and he was a legit real, you know, real wrestler. But, it ended up turning into a great worker. I met him over here when he was wrestling for the Funks. When I went to Japan it was a memorable match for me because we had become friends and I didn’t know, you know, I was gonna go Japan on a tour, whatever it was. This was a five-week, week-long tour. And what he did for me in a match, he didn’t have to do. I mean, he really made me over there. And so here’s one of their biggest stars, and he has a match with me that, you know, he’s got me over in one match. He made the wrestling fans in Japan respect my ability. And it was something he didn’t really have to do. And, uh, it’s just something I’ll always remember. I guess another memorable match for me would be tagging with Stan Hanssen and us winning the titles. Those two are at the top of my list.”

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