

在《The Sessions》中,Renee Paquette与stokley Hathaway谈论了他在WWE、AEW的时光,以及由于CM Punk的离开而改变的计划,以及其他各种话题。




“这真的很有趣,因为我想我会说,很多人看着我,好像我是坏人一样。我有点理解,或者说我确实理解,因为你知道,我相信有很多人会拼命想得到我所处的位置。那时候,我就是做不到,你知道吗?我从来没说过为什么。我做过一个喜剧节目,我暗示过它,但那个节目传达了错误的信息。所以,我的意思是,完全坦白地说,二月的一天,我醒来,感觉很痛苦。我只是觉得,我想用疯狂来形容比较合适,对吧?我都不知道自己身在何处。我不知道发生了什么。这种感觉消失了,然后持续增加,直到让人衰弱。 So, you know, I voluntarily just committed myself. This was on a Friday. I think I got out on Sunday. It was a very interesting experience mainly because I would say in Florida, it’s like, prison for the mentally ill. So when I went in, I had no idea what I was in for. I was in kind of, like a cell. It was like, no real sheets. It was just like a metal frame that you laid on. Like, obviously, like the sink was, you know, one of those things that was like, rigged to where you know, it was like motion detected. It gave you like a little thing of soap, a little thing of toothpaste. It was literally like, you couldn’t go into your room until 8 or 9 PM and then you had to wake up at 6 AM. Then you just walk the floor. It’s like, that was it, like you just like walk back and forth to fill up the time. So that was like three days of that, and then afterwards, I was like, maybe I’m not as crazy as I thought.”




“我觉得对我来说,压力很大。我觉得总是有很多压力,因为我觉得作为一个黑人天才,我比其他人受到更严厉的评判。我觉得我做的每件事都被分析了,过度分析了,对吧?显然,每个人都会受到批评,但我觉得我的是在一个不同的层面上,我对自己也非常严格。所以,这是我对自己严格要求的事情之一。我必须意识到,这是摔跤。只是摔跤而已。这不是生死攸关的事。所以对我来说,我只是在处理这件事,而且就像,你知道的,我又一次后悔自己倾向于那种有趣的事情,因为,你知道,就像,我非常非常非常内向,非常封闭,然后我说,‘你知道吗?我有一小群我信任的人。 I should probably utilize that.'”


“我的意思是,说实话,我认为现在是一个。所有应该发生的事,比如律所的事,都没有发生。我认为如果人们回到All Out,你知道,在付费观看之后发生的事情,这是一个很大的部分。我们应该直接与之争执的人已经不在公司了,这是我所期待的一件事,因为我被亲自选中担任这个角色。所以,我就直说了。我不知道具体情况,就像人们在选择站队一样。我只知道,对我来说,CM Punk说,‘嘿,我想和这个人合作’,这句话很有分量。这对我意义重大,不管过去发生了什么,将来会发生什么。所以当这种情况不再发生时,它实际上是在快速地重写所有内容。所以你知道,小组里的每个人都在尽自己最大的努力,但我们正在努力弄清楚如何使这个工作,因为最初的目的不再是目的,所以这就像,我们要做什么? With Ethan Page right now, I think he’s doing great. I think The Gunns are doing great. Lee, you know, he’s gonna go into this feud with Hook. So like, things are slowly, you know, no pun intended, gearing up, it’s just gonna take a few weeks, and I think the way wrestling is nowadays is, I get it, first impressions are everything, but it seems like it’s a little bit difficult to change people’s minds or to get people into like, you know, obviously I get it. Most people do not want to see Picasso work on this painting. They just want to see the shit done. So I think that’s the phase that we’re in. We are working on it, but people don’t want to see anyone working on it. They want to see the finished product, which I completely understand, but at the same time, it’s like we’re all human.”


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