

“我哭了很多。我记得我第一次额外的工作仍然是流行在杰克逊维尔。我记得被吓坏了。我记得一个额外的在人群中晃动。我第一天的额外工作是Aminata额外工作的第一天,这真是该死太棒了。我记得坐在那里,我们想,废话,那是要我们。我们坐在人群中,我说,我们要去买戒指。他们告诉我我的第一场比赛是对阵布。我当时想,‘哦,这只是布瑞特·贝克,然后这是达斯汀·罗兹。我才回来,我签署了。我记得从人群中欢呼2点或不管它是什么,喜欢,得到的图形。我facetime妈妈因为他们告诉我他们想把今天的图形。 I text her. I was like, ‘Hey, just be prepared for something.’ She’s like, ‘What the hell does that mean?’ She’s spamming my phone while I was in the makeup chair, so I FaceTimed her and I sent her the picture of the graphic because Twitter put it up first. She was crying and screaming on the phone and it made me cry. I’m sitting in the makeup chair trying not to cry because they’re putting makeup on me and I’m gonna ruin it. I never thought I was going to make it to that point. I wanted to do this for so long and AEW has been the dream company.”

在Ruby Soho和托尼风暴:

“我很兴奋,因为我一直想摔跤Ruby和托尼之前Saraya AEW。这是两个列表上的梦想。我爱人类。他们总是照顾我,照顾我。他们只是人类最甜美的。”


(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)