
Sheamus在Ryan Satin的Out of Character播客上讨论了2022年WWE幸存者系列男子战争游戏比赛。

他说:“是的,是的,这很酷,这很酷(成为幸存者系列:战争游戏的一部分)。你知道吗,我对整件事心情复杂。我觉得还好,我觉得还可以更好。这是一场不同类型的比赛,我认为事实是,在所有人都进入比赛之前,人们不会被淘汰,不过没关系。是啊,我玩得很开心,很棒。这对我来说是另一种体验。我在这行干过很多。这是另一种我从未参加过的比赛。所以这很酷。在这方面,它很酷。 I don’t have any criticisms about it. I just thought it was… I thought it was alright. If I go back through my career, it’s not something I go, oh! That moment there, that WarGames match. That wouldn’t be up there anywhere near my top five or ten, you know? I’ve had some great matches, Hell in a Cell, I really like the one I had against Randy (Orton). Money in the Bank matches, Cage matches, the one with John (Cena) at Money in the Bank years ago… I just felt at the time, the story was — we (Brawling Brutes) were there as the opponents. The stories hadn’t really heated up to that point so it was going a different direction which is just the way it is sometimes with storylines. But as I said, it was cool to go in there and be involved in a match like that but, it’s not something I’m gonna look back on my career and go, yeah man! That first WarGames match I was in was on the main roster, yeah! I don’t think so.



(h / tPostWrestling.com转录)