
前WWE WCW明星肖恩Stasiak最近加入了伟德国际官方网站独家专访。Stasiak举行WWE铁杆标题15次和WCW世界标签团队冠军在三个不同的场合。他讨论了库尔特角的最近关于他的负面评论,发表了一份挑战他,没有感觉的爱和WWE的支持,他的有争议的WWE释放,他的父亲斯坦”男人“Stasiak被选入名人堂,只有24-second感应的视频,他的第一反应肉的性格,如果他愿意回到WWE人才,教练或生产国和更多。



“我醒来两周一前,不是过去的这个周一,周一之前,安迪(PWMania)发给我一个链接,说,“嘿,库尔特角一直在说关于你的一些事情,”我说,好吧,这可能是良好的和积极的,你知道,因为我们一直相互尊重,事实上我只是看到了库尔特,去年在WrestleCon在达拉斯,在酒店外面,当他们摔角狂热一点聊天,交换了号码,大拥抱,这一类的事情。我总是爱和受人尊敬的库尔特。当然,我没有见过他了。但是它总是相互尊重。当然,我一直很尊敬Kurt因为他的业余背景,我是一个业余选手,当我是WWE总部的培训在1998年斯坦福大学的博士训练的时候汤姆·普里查德和海鲂恐慌,Jr .)他们那些恐慌Dojo营地。他们带来了库尔特角,我被引发。我是如此的兴奋。我去过那里,也许两个,三个,也许四个月之前,库尔特培训,我还是绿色的草,但是我们一起出现在这些营地。他们把我们联系在一起,因为她们知道我是多么羡慕Kurt和尊重他NCAA冠军,世界冠军,奥运会金牌得主,所有的荣誉,然后他进入职业摔跤领域。他们搭配起来,我们一起旅游,一起训练,一起做了现场显示。 In fact, his first match was against Dr. Tom Prichard, and his second match was against myself. And, of course, his first WWE televised match was against me, Joe Louis Arena, Detroit 1999 Survivor Series. Look at that for memory, right? Sometimes I can remember what I did yesterday, let alone I could go back 20-plus years.


“我认为有时你可以着急,喜欢的只是反思,担心太多太多了。我确实这么做。这样明目张胆的声明,说我没有信心。这有点伸展。显然我的自信程度,在营地,是一种更好的表演者和人才集中营的经历。但是我能理解,我认为库尔特来自一个角度来看,他是一个教练,他是一个父亲。我以同样的方式,我爱我的社区指导。指导年轻的男人和女人,尤其是在运动。我认为,也许,在他的观点我带什么表的天赋和能力,我需要有更多的信心。所以在某种程度上,这是一种恭维。 But yeah I was like, ‘oh, man, that kind of stung a little bit.’ Of course, when I went away to WCW, and got another year and a half of experience, more ring time, became a three-time Tag Team Champion, traveled the world, made more money. I started to own my craft a little bit better, I was a little more savvy. It takes a good six, seven years to really start getting a feel for that, for being a professional wrestler and performing or perfecting that craft. And when I came back to WWE, I didn’t have any confidence issues. I was excited. I was stoked, I was inspired, I was fired up, I came back home, that’s the only place I ever wanted to work was WWE. And it was just unfortunate circumstances that I was released and had to go to another company and came back. But I think I lost confidence over time with WWE because I never felt the love and support and I’m not here to point fingers. I’m grateful for the opportunity that I did have. But looking back, I didn’t even scratch the surface of my potential, but I had all the confidence in the world. I was ready to be elevated to that next level and it just never came. So after a while you get discouraged, but I think it’s normal for us to second guess ourselves and, and to self doubt at times. I know Kurt has done it as well. It’s kind of odd to take a small piece of a timeframe of your life, and think that I don’t have any confidence. Come on, Kurt, I’ve got I’ve got confidence, buddy.”



“我当时在田纳西州的孟菲斯,我正与杰瑞Lawler和一个伟大的故事情节角度。这是如此有趣的回顾那些时代,“国王”当然,传奇。对我来说,这是一种荣誉和他工作。我是一个年轻人,巨大的身体,充满活力的想要在WWE世界,我在这里,我在这些训练营与测试等人安德鲁·马丁,基督徒,并与这些美丽的长边的金发,我失去了我的头发,对吗?我要做些什么这个人,这糟透了,你知道吗?我想和我的选择是什么?刮胡子吗?嗡嗡声吗?我看着程序和我去最好的地方之一,如果不是世界上最好的地方在多伦多和问,做了一些咨询,我回到WWE,我说听着,你们要给我打电话我想很快,这是这个词对吗?我咨询了。 I said, I just think this would help improve my image give me some youth back give me some years back, and they say ‘hey, by all means, if it improves your image and feel it helps your confidence and it gives you some youth and improves your image then by all means… because we want to bring you in as kind of like, stay in shape, keep your abs.’ They were they weren’t telling me what the character was going to be, my rookie character, we’d soon find out that after that, but I just decided to get that done. I don’t know where that story came from. I don’t know where Kurt conjured up that story in his mind.

“我不知道如果他听到一些人在办公室。我不知道也许他有点呆头呆脑的那一天,我不知道他在想,但这是一个内容t的故事。我不会叫WWE,说“嘿,伙计们听,我完成我的头发,你要推迟我的处子秀几个。“你在跟我开玩笑吧?什么都没有发生。我与他们和咨询。他们说“是的,务必完成,但完成现在,“因为有一点复苏的一段时间,大约一个月左右。他们说,现在就做,然后我们应该没事的。所以我所做的。然后大约一个月,我将前往周一晚上生的电视,以为我是要让我的处子秀,但是他们继续这一推迟,下周,下周,然后下个星期。最后,我做了我的处子秀,我记得那天晚上,具体地说,当然,你总是认为你什么时候让你实际上市吗? And I was in the arena, it was Grand Rapids, Michigan, it was in 1999 of course, and I’m in the arena, and I’m looking at the crowd through the curtains, I’m get ready to make my run and jump Tiger Ali Singh and walk off with Terry and Jackie, introducing the Meat character.

“很大一部分我有我的父亲,斯坦男人Stasiak,和他的影响力和遗产。我只是说我的父亲。我说,“爸爸,我知道你不是身体上的,但我觉得你的精神。我感到他的存在。我感觉到他的存在。我不想听起来陈词滥调或干酪,但我真的。我起鸡皮疙瘩的感觉,我能听到爸爸的声音说,肖恩进去就做你的事。你期待这你的整个人生,你会很好。去做你的事情。玩得开心。“我真的很紧张对吗? Of course, it’s your debut. I go in there beat up Tiger Ali Singh, walk off with the girls, and then about three, four days later, I’m back in my extended stay hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. All my friends are calling and you know, we weren’t texting back then. But they were saying ‘hey, we saw your debut. That was so cool. That was so awesome. Congrats.’ You know, it was a very, very exciting time in my life. And I thought back I said, when did I make my WWE debut, and remember, it was postponed and everything for about a month. And then I looked back at the calendar because it was a pre-recorded for I think it was a Heat episode, right? And I look back and look at the calendar. And lo and behold, it was April 13 1999, it was my father’s birthday. So the whole debut thing about calling in WWE that’s such a bullsh*t story. Now, I never would have done that. I consulted with them and complied with everything was fine. We’re on the same page, and everything went as planned. So there’s the debunking that story unless Kurt knows something that I don’t. Everything went as planned is least starting out.”



“男爵卡宾,男爵卡宾,忘记那个人。让我们回到时代的态度。让我们让我们结束这一切开始的地方。我是你的第二个比赛,你知道吗?加,在费城。这是兄弟之爱的城市。这就是斯坦男人Stasiak,父亲成为了历史上第五次摔跤手WWE成为冠军。那么,为什么没有呢?我认为这是有意义的。他有新的膝盖,他的脖子是我认为修理,他状态很好,他在一个快乐的地方,他看起来很好。 I’m in great shape. I’m open to it.”


“说实话,起初,我真的很失望。后我很失望,因为我期待,我的父亲和我是WWE的超级巨星的机会,我想在这段时间里,就像这个名字一样,“态度时代”反映的是他们只是有点紧张,出去一个字,手法名称等。它只适合这种态度我猜,。我知道它是从哪里来的,这是费拉拉。显然,他们叫他爸爸,谁在垒球队,我认为这是这个故事,因为某种原因,他们叫他肉。他们决定是一个很酷的名字,它是怎么来的。我不知道,如果这是他和文斯Russo的想法。起初我很失望。但是,你知道,两个退伍军人有一个跟我刚才说的,听着,就像演戏,你就发挥作用。刚开始,把你的脚弄湿了,对吧? Just do the best you can with it. I didn’t know what Meat was, I was a rookie, I was green. I had some raw ability. I was trained enough to be in there and start my career out. But I wouldn’t be interested in playing a character like that now, but if I could take it, rewind and play a character named Meat now it’d be a completely different perspective, but I was green. I just wanted to get started and get my feet wet. I knew it wouldn’t last forever. But I was disappointed but happy in the sense that ‘hey, I got a character and I’m going to be on the show.'”

你提到你爸爸是fifth-ever世界摔跤联盟冠军。史上最优秀的球员之一。现在你说的失望的肉。是什么级别的失望当他只有24-second 2018年名人堂的感应视频。你的失望是什么?

“一个巨大的巨大的,真的伤害我,这可能是真正冰WWE的蛋糕给我,我不想让这变成一个bash WWE会话。

“我很感激,我有机会,我做了。嘿,看,我搞砸了,我犯了一些错误标记自己出于各种原因。我从来没有任何非法目的。当然,你知道的,我从公司发布。因为录音机的事件。我相信你已经听说过。但在某些方面,它实际上是一个祝福,因为WCW雇佣了我,跟我做了一件,给我更多的机会。我希望WWE所做的。但是我认为从长远来看我的名字放一个耻辱。吉姆·罗斯和埃里克Bishoff做参考。 How can you trust somebody in the locker room with a whole tape recorder thing? It’s like, honest to God I have I’ve shared this story many, many times over the years, there was absolutely no wrongful intent. It was a rib gone wrong. It was stupid. It was a dumb mistake and a rookie. I was just being me, I was just being Shawn, and I think that bit me in the ass in the long run where I don’t think I ever recovered from that with WWE in the minds of the of the decision makers. And who knows, its a shark eat shark world, you know, Vince probably had people in his ear about… I don’t know, I don’t know if political backstage knows, right. But I just have never been able to feel the love and support of that company. I’ve never really received invites to WrestleMania is when they’re here in Dallas. Although I did go to last year’s WrestleMania with my former business partner of mine and friend. And it was amazing. I felt like I’d never left all, the fans thought I was there to do something on show, they thought I was going to do a run and I just was there as a fan. You know to take pictures, autographs, it was so fun.


“你会认为这么多年之后,我在这里一个脊椎指压治疗者在过去的17年。我是一个演讲者,我是一个健康生活教练,我不是吹奏出我自己的角,但你可能会认为,他们想要召唤自己给我5 - 10分钟。我不需要T先生在这一个半小时时间。我只需要五到八分钟。让我告诉一些有趣的故事。“谢谢你,这是一个荣誉奖项。晚安,对吧?没有出现。

“我知道我爸爸被纳入通过球迷在推特上名人堂。然后我意识到,我去,“哦,我的上帝,”明天晚上或第二天的事情。马上,我知道他们在做什么。他们会把他放在一些视频包。我见过这个传说翼好几年了。我曾经感到紧张看因为我觉得“哦,男人,不要把他放在那里。“别让他出现在这。无意冒犯或没有不尊重其他传说。我只是觉得我爸爸应该得到一点确认。,去做对的。我认为一些人已经在这个名人堂,堂你会认为斯坦Stasiak,最初的WWE冠军之一将会被做了正确的呼吁,他唯一的儿子,至少据我所知,他唯一的儿子引进他的父亲到WWE名人堂。 And I think we made history. I think he’s the first WWE champion that never got a real induction. It was just, ‘here’s a video package. And here’s 20 whatever seconds.’ And that’s it. I was heartbroken. I was p*ssed off. I called Vince McMahon, I dialed the digits. I knew he wouldn’t pick up, it was WrestleMania. We’ve had a couple conversations over the years. But I text him I said, ‘Please don’t do this. Don’t put him in like this. Let’s wait till next year, I would encourage that. You’re going to be in the New York New Jersey area,’ that MetLife Stadium, I think that was the next year’s WrestleMania. He [Stan] was kind of known to be in the East Coast anyway. And I thought it’d be more appropriate to just give me five minutes to just do it right. But I wasn’t even invited to the arena, which is a New Orleans. I’m in Dallas, it’s a short flight, you would think I did at least invite me to the show my respects, to be there in the building. So there’s, there’s something going on. I must be hated so bad, so much and so disregarded. It hurt me. It really did.”


“你知道,这是一个很好的问题。我不确定。我读了记录一次。我不认为他知道,那天晚上他们把带他,那天晚上,他要带,因为他曾与佩德罗,多次显示,non-television事件,他们会去了,会有不合格。但是我认为晚上当他出现在舞台上,有一个记录的他和代理在今晚会继续。我爸爸说,在他的靴子,所以他只是为他的比赛做准备。然后他说,你是1、2、3和裁判打三之前,你的手臂会上升,然后三人。”然后他,“嗯,等一下,这意味着我赢了吗?”、“这是正确的。“这是一个标题匹配?“这是正确的。“这意味着我成为WWWF冠军?“这是正确的。所以他发现正确的。 So it was a surprise to him. So that was pretty cool. What an experience that would have been to show up thinking you’re just going to put a guy over again, retain the title on on Pedro. But he ended up walking away that night with the WWF Championship.”


你会愿意回到WWE, AEW,影响摔跤,或另一个推广人才,教练,还是生产商?

“我有几个人问我这个问题。我不反对。看起来一切尤其是在我生命的这个阶段,一切都具有商业意义你知道正确的业务。但是我喜欢指导。我喜欢教练。我更爱分享我的智慧和我的错误和不足和失败,什么工作,什么不也就是我成功什么,为什么。但当涉及到后台,只是可能只是作为一个演讲者和导师和健康生活教练,只是在我,和我爱回馈,看到设定的发展目标,通过对他们成功的贡献和支持。但是我还没有把太多的心思。我认为,你知道,看,我知道这是一个年轻人的游戏,我可能拥有的,就像我说的,你知道,我有一点的坦克。我觉得我做的,除非我完全妄想。 But it’s something that I don’t certainly would want to do full time, I wouldn’t want to even remotely try to do that to my, you know, body. But I think for a feature, side feature or a special feature, like a thing with Kurt Angle, for instance, I don’t know, something that made sense that has some significant and some history and it made sense storyline wise, I would be open to that. I don’t know as far as commentating or coaching backstage, not a whole lot of thought, but I’m open to the right business always. And, you know, I do love professional wrestling. It’s a modern day Shakespearean art and telling a story and I love sharing stories through theatrics and inspiring people. So, who knows, I haven’t really put a whole lot of thought into it.”


“好吧,当我在WCW,当然,就我个人而言,我只是被帮助更多的爱和支持和意义我就有更多的机会,能有更多的电视时间时,按意见,你知道,有一个味道的黄金,我猜,只是觉得环游世界,我更多的参与。我是一个大贡献作为一个团队球员。但与此同时,它非常混乱。这不是结构化和跑以及WWE, WWE的一件事是你知道,文斯麦克马洪说道。他们是首屈一指的男人和生产,我的意思是,但是后台我的意思是,看起来没有什么是完美的,你不会吸引每一个球迷。你知道,总是有人抱怨和发牢骚这吸或如何你为什么不做这个或那个。但在一天结束的时候,只是有更多的结构,我想更多更好的领导和结构。我只是希望我个人会有同样的待遇我想在WWE WCW但那是不同的。结构和领导,只是有太多的太多的印第安人首领不够或太多的厨师在厨房里。就像这样。 One of those things. Yeah, it was just too much, people in different directions. It was disarrayed at WCW but it was fun for me because I got to be part of that and have TV time and hone my craft better.”


“我不知道是谁,我认为这是特里。我不知道特里与WCW泰勒曾经。别人给我的名字,只是觉得它会配这种新的转变,我脱离了天生的惊悚片组和Sean O 'Haire查克帕伦博,马克Jindrak,迈克·桑德斯约翰尼公牛,脱离稳定,这是即使我和查克标记标签的团队合作伙伴。但我不知道我正在开发这种傲慢的里克•Rudeish先生完美类型的演变特点你知道,这种类型的风格和态度,有人就说,“嘿,你知道男子气概的圣地,是一个很好的词来使用你的性格和你发展。我不知道它来自谁,。我不知道。我只是不记得了。我不记得了。这不是我的主意,但有人送我。”



“但同样用我的名字,我的背景,我是从哪里来的,在我是从哪里来的,我只是我觉得这是一个悲惨的失败,你知道,很难,它困扰我,,这很伤我的心。但你用悲伤和绝望,我已经学会了通道在某些方面使用它作为燃料来完成的一些事情,我已经完成了我人生中成功的成为脊椎指压治疗者,发展来说事业,改变人们的生活,真的,你知道,激励人们,帮助他们与他们的突破和试图帮助他们的生活和真正的潜力。这是我在做什么。我沉浸更多作为一个演讲者。我讨厌这个词。励志演说家。我爱这个词转换或鼓舞人心的讲故事的人。最好的演讲者是最好的故事讲述者和思想领袖,影响者。我是谁的信使。对吧? And if I know if a story I share or leading by example, if I truly know that I’m on stage, or virtual or whatever event venue I’m at, if I know that I truly made a difference and contribute to a breakthrough in someone’s life. Because my theme is what are you wrestling with? Right? We’re all wrestling with something. wrestling with relationships, wrestling with finances, wrestling with ego, time, regret, wrestling with fear, fear of what success or failure, fear of rejection, I can go on and on. So my whole theme is wrestling. What are you wrestling with? And if I can help somebody, overcome a feat in their life, and break through and get, that brings the most inspiration and fulfillment to me and that’s my purpose here.

“摔跤球迷,人,我没有意识到我是多么感到如此亲爱的当我在摔角狂热的两天我在看台上。我喝了两瓶啤酒和粉丝,你知道吗?当然,所以我不知道,我觉得对我来说,我对我的职业生涯和它的方式,多年来,我敲了敲门。我不知道你是否看过肖恩Stasiak复出的故事。我把这地方,我还在形状。我可能已经投了10年。但我终于意识到,可能只是太晚,可能从未发生过一样。但你知道,曾经有一个父亲的儿子两人曾经赢得WWE冠军。然而,它仍然是这一天。这是从来没有完成。 I think Rey Mysterio and Dominic, it’s getting close, because he’s getting older and developing, he’s really coming along, Dominic, I’m really like what I’m seeing, but it’s never not that particular title. And so it’s ever been a father son connection to win that title. And it still hasn’t been done till this very day. And I’m like, until that is accomplished. I still have this sometimes. It’s probably a complete, you know, dream and such a long shot, but you never say never. It’s just one of those things where I don’t know, I still have a piece of you that I hold on to it, I think a little bit. But the fans, I didn’t realize how appreciated and I guess respected that I was. And I think what I’ve been hearing lately is that we didn’t realize what we had in Shawn Stasiak until 20 years later, and we’re with what we have today as this particular product, and it just makes me feel good that I’m more respected and appreciated and acknowledged more. I think I’ve been so beat up over myself. I beat myself up over my my career. I didn’t even scratch the surface. And most people know that. You got a lot of haters out there saying, ‘oh, you suck and you were a mid carder at best,’ but you know, that’s just transgression. Those people are just miserable in their own lives. And maybe it’s true, a lot of stuff my stuff did suck. I watched back and cringe half the time I’m like, ‘oh my god, I would love to have that opportunity back.’ And I’ve been very curious to know with as we grow as men, I’m a man I’ve grown. I’ve had my experiences and I’ve had my challenges and tribulations and hardships. Right. And I’ve often thought, you know, art imitates life. Who would Shawn Stasiak look like on the platform today of who I am as a man? It’d be a completely different message and different character. I think it would be something that would I just feel that people would gravitate and connect with it. I really do.

“最后,我感谢我的球迷,你可以人们可以在Twitter上关注我,Instagram,肖恩博士。@DrShawn008 Twitter和Instagram。然后Facebook肖恩Stasiak-Stipich。我要沉浸在越来越多的公司来说,有一个健康生活指导项目将会在几个月的时间。所以也许我们回到这里当我准备发射。我要让世界知道我准备好了。我准备改变一些生活,激励人们做出改变。”