


罗林斯说,“我在摔角狂热于2021年推出这首歌,我们只有一半的能力,“我们回来了但我们不回来。我把这首歌放在一起的时候,我看到了我想要的人。当我们第一次把这首歌,文斯麦克马洪是第一或第二次听到它,他拍摄了一组“哇”。他没有得到哇。“啊,这不是赛斯变态的罗林斯。“我告诉你。“不,相信我。”“好,很好,我相信你。”他了哇,在我的脑海中我说,“你只是等待。“他们从来没有回去。你现在听到的版本仍然是文斯版本,但也有足够的哇,它流行起来。当我还是一个鞋跟,没有人唱着我的歌,他们不在乎。直到8月,我们面前的人。 Fast-forwarded to 2022, I’m a heel for most of 2022, worked with Edge, invaded his home and did all this bad stuff. Eventually, I end up working with Matt Riddle, and there is this episode of Raw we did and at the end of the show, Riddle has this match, I come out and I stomp this man’s head into steel steps. Normally, as a bad guy, this elicits a chorus of boos, but I stomp his head into steps and I turn around expecting boos, the crowd is singing the song in the Garden [Madison Square Garden]. ‘Okay, I think this is a thing now. This is going to be a thing.’ Sure enough, little by little, it picked up and turned into it’s own animal.”


杰里米·兰伯特(h / t转录)