

赛斯·罗林斯一直提到洛根·保罗,为WWE正在建造的《WrestleMania 39》比赛火上浇燃料。



“他只关心他自己。我可以尊重他的努力,好吧,我真的这么做,因为他需要努力才能达到他的位置,才能获得他所拥有的机会,但归根结底,这与激情有关。没有人会因为自己是社交媒体上的超级明星而去参加NFL橄榄球比赛,对吧?他们会被打败的。他会走进我的世界,然后他会被打败。如果你想为我们的行业做出贡献,你就是它的粉丝,你热爱它,对吧,帕特?你是它的粉丝,你爱它,你回报它,你一有机会就谈论它,然后你结束了。那不是他,伙计。那不是他。他是为了自己。 He’s in it for his own gain. So, I don’t want you in my business if you’re going to leech off it and you’re going to take from it. Great if you’re going to help out and you’re going to make everything as good as you can, but if you’re going to come and do it for you…look I can only judge what he’s done in the past. His own history, that’s foretelling for the future, and that’s why I don’t like the guy. That’s why I don’t dig the guy and he’s going to go rub it in on social media. He’s going to talk his talk, but he don’t want to say nothing to my face,” Rollins stated.



(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)