




“关于他的什么?好吧,他的妻子也离开他。我不认为有太多这样的事。你还记得,我们讨论的几个月后,这就是我所说的时刻,男人。就是这样。我们有一点真实的牛肉。我和他有一个很大的问题。所以你必须看到,电视直播,所以我们工作忙,因为现在我们有一个时刻的病毒,你记住,影响你的东西,所以,赢赢赢我想说。好,完全好了。我是一个专业。 We can work together, things that happened outside of here, that is what it is. He apologized, and we mended fences, and I’m all about, like, I don’t write anybody off, I’m not one of those guys that’s like ‘no second chances, you do wrong by me, I hate you forever,’ like I’m not that stubborn, it’s not that serious unless you do some real nasty things. Everybody makes mistakes, and I’m big on forgiveness and second chances. I’ll forgive, not always forget and move forward. He was a big man, came forward and apologized, and we’re able to work together, and I’m happy for that.”


“他只是虚幻。他是一个一个的。我的意思是,那个家伙,我觉得他很快转50。就像,我们在谈论什么?看他的戒指。这是难以置信的。他一天没有年龄。他是一个怪胎,,这可能是一个热。他可能是最伟大的职业摔跤手之一。所有这些,但这,但是。’ He’s not like a great promo, he’s not like a Rock an Austin, a Hogan. Like he’s not on that [level].’ But he is, if you look at the totality of his career and the influence that he’s had for over generations, I say one of the greatest. You could arguably include him on a Mount Rushmore if you want to go that far.”


(h / t WrestlingNews。公司对于转录)