“X-Pac”肖恩·沃特曼公开谈论袭击Bret Hart的粉丝

在他最近的播客中,“X-Pac”肖恩·沃特曼评论了2019年WWE名人堂仪式上粉丝攻击Bret Hart的事件……

对这次袭击的反应:“那个扑向哈特的家伙,他被狠狠地揍了一顿。你看到他的脸了吗?我希望他身体的其他部分也像那样。我通常不是那种“去他妈的那个家伙”的人,但不,去他妈的那个家伙。如果你有意见,我不在乎。在这个特殊的情况下,我破例。那是Bret ' The Hitman ' Hart,那个该死的白痴跳上拳击台揍他,你知道他中风了。不是1993年的Bret "杀手" Hart。我在想,为什么是Bret?为什么是他? And then it dawned on me, it must have been the only opening the guy saw. It was the first opening he had, he came in there, he intended on doing something, he was gonna wait for an opening and there was an opening. I think security got distracted with something else…. He got shots in on Bret. There were shots on Bret and a security guard got hurt.”
