





如何避免采取AEW律师打来的电话,她知道她遇到了麻烦:“我做了一个跑步者后,。我诅咒之后,我想,”我,“所以他们不得不追我好。所以我从托尼获得文本风暴,Ruby,帕特巴克。我从律师获得文本。他们就像,‘我们必须打电话给你。你必须停止运行。“我说,”我已经消失了。如果你能抓住我。他们打电话给我,他们如此甜美。他们就像,‘好吧,这里有三件事你做错了。”我说,“那些是什么?’ He was, ‘Well when you walked down the ramp, you flipped everybody off. That’s a no.’ I was like, ‘Okay.’ Second thing, you body-shamed everybody. That’s also a no.’ I’m like, alright. Then he’s like, ‘Then you called everyone neck-bearded twats, and that’s also not okay.’ They were like, ‘Not from our side, but the network is gonna be a little upset if you keep doing those things.’ He was like, ‘Just try not to body-shame people.’ I was like, ‘Well, they do it to me all the time, so suck it, right?””I was like, ‘To be fair to me, they did send me a list of curse words you cannot say, and twat wasn’t on it.’ They’re like, ‘We didn’t think we had to put it on there,’ and I’m like, ‘From a British standpoint, you have to always put it on there.’”

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