Samuray Del Sol反映了功能处理量与AAA级标题,谈论健康问题

Samuray Del Sol最近作为嘉宾出现在“蕾妮Paquette会话”播客的深入访谈。



他之前加入AEW:严重的健康问题“一旦我离开了医院,三个星期后,我和我的妻子一起吃晚饭,我的电话响了,是托尼·汗。我们聊天,他给我提供了与功能处理量。我很激动,我甚至不考虑我生病,我挂了电话。我看着我的妻子说,‘到底我做了什么?我只是离开了医院。“哦,我的上帝。所以一切都运行在我脑海,一切都只是打我。我去了浴室,开始成球,喜欢的人,我可以这样做吗?你知道吗?我要掷骰子。我说,“宝贝,你要支持我。”她很生我的气。 It’s like, ‘No. Your heart. You need to stop. Isn’t this a sign?’ ‘No. This is a sign too’ because my very first major injury back in 2011, I messed up my head really bad and I had the same scenario. Seriously, I had a (bad injury) and I’m like, ‘Woah, WWE called me for a tryout. Let’s keep going.’ So, I had to tell FTR. I worked with them for a long time. They took care of me. That’s why they’re the best. They’re the best and that’s why I’m forever grateful for them because I told them, ‘If I have a heart attack or anything, just roll me underneath the ring.’ I didn’t even tell anybody about this but that’s why I felt so emotional and I had to pray for my friend, I called him (Luke) Harper. The day before the Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertos. So it’s a tradition, we pray. We always pray to our loved ones, our friends. Me, when I first went up on the road and many people don’t know, we bonded. He kind of helped me mentally too like, ‘Hey man, it’s gonna be cool. It is your first tour in WWE.’ The boys will know the boys, you know? And I had that cool, strong connection with him like, ‘Hey Dragongate buddy. Hey Dragongate’ because we were in Dragongate. So it kind of hit me there because us Latinos, we pray a lot and it kind of felt right for the first time like, you know what?… I felt his presence. To me, it was like, man, when you helped me the first time I got on the road in WWE, like mentally, I kind of felt the same there because I didn’t feel scared… I’m like, man, I’m gonna have a heart attack in that ring (he laughed). But no, everything went well, FTR took care of me. I was surprised. At the end of that match, I just started balling. Oh my God. I went to my room, I didn’t even think. I had to do an emotional tweet man.”

在联合航空明星承担功能处理量AAA级冠军,他有多喜欢乔恩·胡贝尔和他如何AEW的呼吸机:(Jon Huber)“我知道他,他帮助我,我说,哇,那很酷,我觉得它有同样的感觉,当我去那里(AEW)也和我说,这就是为什么我要做祷告,我只是不知道它会影响很多人错误的方式或只是心碎…我拼错他的名字…我甚至不思考。我只是真的哭当我推特(他笑了)。我喜欢男人,我还活着。我去睡觉,然后我醒来,我看到发生了什么,就像啊。人,我只是感到难过。我只是情绪,我哭了。我只是感激我还活着,但再一次,没有人知道我的故事的另一面,我几乎死了,三个星期后,我摔跤AEW(为我)首次亮相,不得不告诉功能处理量,我的肺正在燃烧。”我吐了血。我还是在氧气的机器上回到家里,我实际上是要带氧气机。这是唯一的要求。我想看到的,我有一台机器我可能带来帮助我呼吸的但是我没有告诉他们原因,并要求我携带氧气机因为我无法呼吸,事实上,我甚至不能走太但我喝咖啡,还有什么? Pre-workout, whatever it took for me to get that energy and a couple Advil and C.B.D. just for me to go through the match because I was nervous that I was gonna have a heart attack in the ring.”

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