
罗伊斯·艾萨克斯(Royce Isaacs)是世界上最好的标签队之一,西海岸破坏队(West Coast Wrecking Crew)的一半成员,乔雷尔·尼尔森(Jorel Nelson)最近在联盟职业摔跤播客网络上做客。

艾萨克斯讨论了许多话题,包括他目前与NJPW的合同状态,如果他与IMPACT Wrestling有任何会谈,以及他即将与Johnny Bloodspor伟德bevidtort(约翰·亨吉安)进行的Bloodsport 9比赛。


“很明显,我必须尊重约翰尼。他的事业很成功。他已经活了很久了。他是个疯狂的运动员。我认为他是职业摔跤中最疯狂的运动员之一,任何组织,任何国家,他能做的事情。我真的很感激他能和我对位。我不认为我是他最性感的对手。我相信他会找一个更大的名字,或者找一个这样的人,哦,哇,这真的很酷。但我是个很厉害的人。我是一个强硬的对手,特别是在《血色运动》中,这有点像他有客场比赛,而这对我来说是主场比赛,因为《血色运动》是我的专长之一。 Obviously, he’s done it before and he’s an athlete, and he’s done well, at it. He was a college wrestler, he can fight. I’m not gonna take that away from him. But I do think this is definitely him kind of coming into my realm. And so I mean, I think he’s going to be kind of, I think he’s going to be surprised. I think a lot of the fans are going to be surprised. And it’s like, a good showcase. Like, it’s a kind of a lucky break if you want to say it that way for me that I’ve gotten like the biggest, it’s definitely the biggest name I’ve gotten at Bloodsport is Johnny. And I think I’m not gonna like act like, oh, it’s gonna be an easy fight or this or whatever. But I do think it’s going to be a really good showcase for me, and my skills. I think if he thinks he’s going to do 700 cartwheels around me and I’m just gonna stand there and he’s not going to just catch a blast double and some elbows to the face for his troubles, unfortunately, has another thing coming.”


“不,没有合同在身,仍然是自由球员,仍然在探索我的选择。肯定的。我的意思是,很明显,这将是一个很好的最终目标。但实际上,我不知道什么时候能实现。我所有的选择都是WWE, Impact, AEW之类的。如果他们中有人感兴趣,我只关心做生意,雷利(约雷尔·纳尔逊饰)只关心做生意。我觉得西海岸拆船队太有才华了不可能不出现在报纸上。我知道我很有偏见,因为我是西海岸破坏队的一员。但老实说,对我来说,这绝对是疯狂的,如果你看看独立游戏领域,看看还有谁在前进,我认为我们远远超过其他任何团队。我认为我们应该参与所有这些大的促销活动。 So yeah, to answer your question, still definitely free agent. But I would really like to change that sometime soon. Because it would be nice to have a little bit of security. And I think I mean, ideally I’d love to sign a contract New Japan Pro Wrestling, but realistically, I have bills to pay. I think that I would flourish anywhere. I think that myself and Jorel would flourish anywhere. And hey, let’s get it.”

关于他是否与IMPACT Wrestling有过对话:


