

罗希特认为伊森·佩奇是职业摔跤界最好的商人之一:“我以伊森·佩奇(Ethan Page)为例。对我来说,他是职业摔跤界最好的商人之一。通过他的视频博客,他和粉丝们建立了良好的关系,人们想知道他在做什么,他们关注他在做什么,他已经把它变成了一门生意,现在他从摔跤中赚钱,他有自己的宣传,他是目前IMPACT Tag Team冠军的一半,他们是一个很棒的Tag Team。所以他知道如何玩这个游戏。”

德西小队的起起伏伏/证实拉杰·辛格膝盖受伤:“德西暗杀小队经历了一段非常奇怪的旅程。我喜欢在IMPACT工作。我从没想过我会在那里。有一段时间,我每周工作40个小时——实际上是45个小时,全职工作,努力摔跤,把我所有的假期都用在摔跤上,我永远不会忘记斯科特·达莫尔(Scott D’amore)说,‘你不可能做到的。你不能两者都做,’我说,‘好吧,我至少要尝试一下’,最后我赢得了全球锻造比赛,然后我辞去了我的工作,现在我在摔跤。所以就像你说的,坚持到底并成功了,这种感觉真好。当我刚到那里的时候,我是哈基姆·赞恩,他们想和一个印度团体做点什么,我想他们有计划,但没有执行。所以他们公布了所有他们计划加入德西暗杀小组的人,但是,他们没有任何人,他们宣布的人中有一个是绿的。他仍然需要训练。他还在训练,Bhupinder (Singh)真的很棒。 He’s only been wrestling for like a year. He’s had a handful of matches and I’m sure you’ve seen him on TV, really good kid. Super green, but man, he’s gonna be phenomenal. He’s gonna be phenomenal when he’s done. They’ve got Gama, they didn’t have Raj [Singh] at the time and [they] had signed Gursinder, but nothing was official, and then they had me. So it ended up just being me at first, and they had me as a babyface, and then I don’t think they really knew what they wanted to do. They brought in Gursinder, and then we ended up being a heel tag, and it was weird because I was a babyface one week and then the next week we had recorded stuff and I was teaming up with him and we were heel, and it was rough at first because all the tag teams that were in IMPACT at the time had been working together for years, and then [Gursinder] and I get together and we’re trying to figure out each other’s style, how the other one moves and all this stuff and he lives in Toronto and I was in Michigan and we were pretty far away so we didn’t have a place to meet. We were trying to get booked on shows together so we could get more ring time, and then we started to gel a little bit and then he ends up leaving. He ends up leaving so it was just like, ‘Okay, well there’s that’ and then they bring in Raj, and so we’re right back to square one and then Raj and I have to learn how to gel, and Raj, he was out for a while. He was trying to get in the WWE at the time. He wasn’t really wrestling, he was trying to keep himself healthy, but he wasn’t getting any ring work so he has to knock the ring rust off so at this time, we’re trying to work and literally the first time he comes in the ring, he gives me the gut buster and when he pressed me, he blew his shoulder out, and it was in New York when I was wrestling Gama. So, we’re already limited there so we’re like, ‘Man, what a freak accident.’ So we’re trying to gel and so, they’re not gonna get behind us until we start gelling so we’re pretty much IMPACT job guys at the time trying to get experience and trying to gel as a tag team and then we finally started to gel a little bit.


与Monty Brown谈论四月的TNA摔跤表演:“我真的很想和蒙蒂·布朗(Monty Brown)比赛。我希望蒙蒂能回来。我跟他谈过了,我告诉他了。我不知道会发生什么,我希望他们抓到他。蒙蒂和我住在同一个城市,所以我认识他很长一段时间了,他在我的职业生涯中给了我很大的帮助,只是给我指点,但我认为他是一个被低估的摔跤手,尤其是他的宣传片。很多人都不记得他的宣传片了,他的宣传片是摔跤界最好的,我不认为他在当时所做的事情得到了很多赞扬,而他仍然像房子一样大。巨大的!只是一个巨人,所以,我希望他回去,我希望他剪了一个糟糕的宣传,点燃它,人们就像,‘天哪,蒙蒂·布朗……他太棒了。罗希特被问到蒙蒂是否有兴趣回来,“我不知道。我认识蒙蒂,每当我看到他,我们开始谈论摔跤,他的眼睛就会放光。你可以看到他身上的火焰,所以我认为它永远不会消失。 I don’t know. I can’t speak for him on that part. I have no idea. I just hope he does as a fan, and also, I hope he does because that was the guy that was doing the pounce before everybody else was so let’s give credit where credit’s due.”