

WWE现场活动高级副总裁“Road Dogg”Brian James最近在他的播客“Oh You Didn’t Know”上谈到了各种职业摔跤话题,包括《WrestleMania 34》,以及马特·哈迪回到公司后没有得到破碎的马特·哈迪这个角色。

“我不理解破碎的角色。我一直没拿到。我不明白。如果有什么需要了解的,我很想知道是什么,但他刚才变了,说话也不一样了。我不知道。我没有看到变化,也没有跟上变化。我一直没拿到。那不是我写的。我们让他和布雷在一起,因为我们觉得他们在一起会很酷,但我要说的是,不,我们不知道该拿他们怎么办。我要揭示的部分是,他们的性格是什么? If you could describe them to me, if you could give me an elevator pitch, a summary of their characters, then maybe we could have written them in that direction or something. I’ll take the heat and I always will for a failed opportunity, an opportunity I missed as a writer or a creative guy on the show. I’ll always take the hit for that. We let them be their creative selves and their creative selves, and this is horrible, and I don’t mean to say it like this, but I don’t think they knew at that time what they were trying to do. I don’t think they knew, I don’t think we knew, and together, it made a who knew stew, and so it turned out as such. I will take some heat for that, no two ways about it. I just don’t know if anybody else who should, will.”


“我认为Rusev和Aiden English,我认为Rusev Day之间有一些东西。我们看到了。我们感觉到了。我们设立了这个节日,人们却忘了我们设立了鲁塞夫日。我们从创意的角度创造了Rusev Day,但后来人们似乎把它拿走并拥有了它,所以他们觉得这是他们的。就像,不,这不是你的。这是我们的创造,你可以高呼Rusev Day,但当要打败他的时候,我们必须要打败他。不是因为你喜欢他,所以我们要把他放倒,但是,是的,我们在Rusev和Rusev Day这整件事上犯了错误。它非常成功,但它本可以更成功。”
