



路大支回答说:“这并不是说我不喜欢他的那一天我遇到了他。那就是他擦我错了。我不知道那是他做的事情,或者是我。如果是我,我在我的生活中我要纠正这些性格缺陷。所以如果是我,我会接受。但他擦我从一开始就走错了路。这是我们的第一个互动。我所看到的和我所听到的正是我的所见所闻。“我告诉山墙。我告诉杰森·乔丹。 I was telling everybody what to do. Road Dogg came over and had an idea and I brushed him off and acted like I knew better.” That’s what happened. I mean, he just repeated it. If I was salty that day, and that rubbed me the wrong way, and I went over and said something negative about him, I could see that happening. 100% I can see that happening with me and with him and with 100 other people the same way.”




路大支回答说,“这是一个部分,我认为他是正确的。我不应该在推特上回应这样的人。也许我不应该在这里回应Dax这样老实对你,但我因为他说了点什么,我能说什么我猜。这并不是说我不喜欢你和我从一开始就不喜欢你。你擦我错了伙计。第一次是一个魅力之类的老说的是。我不知道该怎么告诉你。然后我们有Twitter的事情。你在发展,想要达到主要的名单,和跟或者不跟,我不在乎你的性格在这,你说,“这愚蠢的事情。“你埋葬你代表的产品。但你并不代表它,因为你还没有体会到。 I could have never stopped you from making it to, and thank you for thinking I have that much power, but I could never stop you from making it to the main roster. You made it to the main roster, you just didn’t make it on the main roster. So I don’t know what else we need to say. You and I just disagree. I think to be quite honest Dax, if we sat down and had dinner, we would agree on way more than we disagree on. We started off on the wrong foot, and if half of that is on me, I’ll accept that half. But if half of it’s on you, are you willing to accept yours?”


“我明白了。我听到你,Dax指数。我不知道我们在这里说的或我们去的地方。喜欢,我们开始不顺利,我们没有正确的。我愿意把过去在我身后。但随着原始的25件事,对不起。我也我不感谢你,因为我不喜欢的喜欢我。但同时我也认为,好吧,你需要吗?你知道你做了什么。你去那里,你做了你应该做的事,你做得很好。 I didn’t know I needed to thank you and say how great you were in order to get your respect as a human being. But I do apologize for not thanking you and I thank you now publicly for doing that for us. But don’t act like you’re above that, because you were in the ring with a bunch of Hall of Famers, man, and I know you don’t like me, but I was in the ring and I’m a Hall of Famer and I was one of those guys and I’m sorry if that offends you or if I don’t respect the mat enough for you, but I got a different idea about pro wrestling than you do. Mine’s the one that makes a bunch of money and yours is the one that pleases all the boys. I don’t know. Poop in one hand and wish in the other, but we can get past this. We just can’t talk about politics or wrestling with each other, I don’t think, and actually our politics probably aligned too. There’s so many similarities. We’re gonna let this little thing hold us back from, I don’t know? I’d love to be on your podcast. I’d love to have you on my podcast. I think this is an invitation to heal the world, to start with the man in the mirror, and I’m damn sure willing to look at me. Are you willing to look at you? Let’s move forward and let’s get past the gripes of yesterday and make this better and do better as people. If I’ve done something to offend you, like I said earlier, if some of this is mine to own, I own my half. Do you own yours?”


(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)