
前Smackdown Live撰稿人“Road Dogg”Brian James在Sean“X-Pac”Waltman的播客上露面时谈到了摔跤手的宣传剧本:

“对我来说最重要的事情是,我告诉这些人,‘失败,以每小时100英里的速度失败,大失败,冒险,不要害怕让自己出丑,这是可爱的。不要害怕做个傻瓜,太多的人,太多的时候,每个人都想变得坚强,每个人都想变得酷。你猜如果每个人都是这样没有人强壮也没有人酷。“所以,走出常规,跳出框框思考....我不认为这是一个独立的页面,我认为这是一个信任的问题,谁能做一个好的宣传,谁不能。然后就是要相信谁能,谁不能。所以我是否需要为个人编写宣传脚本,然后严格遵守所写的内容?还是我相信那个人会给他要点和他需要传达的信息,然后相信他可以走出去,把那些废话变成他自己的,把那些信息变成他自己的,但仍然保留故事?人们很容易上网,然后说“这个很糟糕,那个很棒”。在这个行业里,有很多东西比任何不知情的人知道的都要多。 It’s very important to have that trust with an individual. Daniel Bryan, you can tell Daniel Bryan the message you want conveyed and he can go out there and deliver that message and do it in his character. The big thing for me is that you have to earn that trust, but to develop that relationship where you can trust your talent and trust that you pick out which ones. Hopefully you can trust them all, it’s easier to just give them bullet points and let them deliver it in their own individual voice. So, the Road Dogg would not say something that way but Daniel Bryan might say it that way so Road Dogg writing it is not smart because then I am stepping on Daniel Bryan’s character, I need to give him bullet points and let Daniel Bryan put that message together. But some people are not so brilliant at it and so you gotta script their promos for them.”