路狗发表了他关于成为比Bret Hart更好的体育艺人的评论

在AdFreeShows.com网站上最近的播客“哦,你不知道”中,WWE名人堂成员Road Dogg讨论了他最近的评论,他声称自己是一个比Bret Hart更好的体育艺人。




“后来,我的内心和头脑都感到非常糟糕,我不得不在脑海中进行这样的对话,‘好吧,你这么做了,但你是为了收视率,这真的是你的感觉吗?你走了多远?你真正的底线在哪里?你懂我的意思吗?我仍然有同样的感觉,但我比我设计的更强烈地倾向于它,说实话,这让我不舒服。这让我难受了两三个星期。我不喜欢热。我会这么说。我明白了。相信我,我明白了,我感觉到了,当我感觉到了,我不喜欢它。 You know what I mean? It was an experiment to see like, so it was an exaggeration to see like, Okay, and so it was an exaggeration of my true feelings, but not too much. You know what I mean? I may have leaned on the fact, and I know you know when I said, ‘Well, he’s a good wrestler.’ So I was doing things that were, I feel like they were disingenuous and that’s why I feel like I’m guilty now is, it was just, I just went a little over the top with it by design, and I didn’t like the repercussions that I felt, but I deserved them. So you’re welcome if you need that, but also on the other hand, and I don’t want to take up too much time, but on the other hand, how strongly opinionated people get about somebody else’s opinion. That’s social media in a nutshell. They’re very opinionated about the opinions. It’s like, if you don’t like me anyway, and you think I’m a loser, my opinion should not matter to you that much. You know what I mean? On Twitter, I got some people that dig me, but there’s a lot of people that do not like me on Twitter for a plethora of reasons. But, it’s Twitter and I have to consider the source.”


“如果我不能从一场五星级比赛中获得乐趣,我就不会在乎一场五星级比赛。看,我可以看一场比赛,然后说,‘哦,糟糕,他命中了’,但如果我不关心球员,那就没什么区别了。如果我不关心战斗中的个人,我就不会那么在乎,我认为很多人都是这样的。是的,我很想看一场比赛,但是如果我不关心的人参加了比赛,我就不会真正关心这场比赛。我不在乎谁赢了。我不在乎谁输了。就像看火车失事一样。好吧,很酷。当你经过的时候,你真的不记得了。你不会说,‘伙计,我昨天看到一辆火车失事了。’ I mean you do that, but you don’t go like, ‘My cousins were in there.’ It doesn’t really relate to you unless you’re attached to it somehow with an emotional attachment, and so just a bunch of wrestling doing wrestling moves, I got zero stars for you, my man.”

(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)