




关于他回来的决定并不容易:“我花了将近4个月的时间才做出决定。这非常困难。在我期末考试之前,在过去的一个月左右,我已经…格伦·雅各布斯,这个名字有印象吗?是的。汤姆·普里查德,他们在诺克斯维尔外有一所摔跤学校,所以在过去的几个月里,我每周都冒险去那所学校一两次,就是为了拿回一些。但我从我的局限中学到了更多。就像你说的,我上次上场是12年前的事了。当时我是WWE的教练之一。所以我在学校里很活跃,和年轻人一起打拳击,也更亲力亲为。在过去的一个月里,我了解到我有了新的限制,然后一些我认为我可以做好的事情,我在练习的时候利用了它们。 I kept saying to myself, ‘Ricky, don’t be stupid. Don’t be stupid. Don’t let ego get in the way.’ So [I’m] still able to sprinkle some of that dust, Steamboat dust, and hopefully the fans in Raleigh will enjoy reminiscing, going back. But you asked why. I was thinking that the longer I wait, the less chance I will have. I’ll be 70 in February and Mother Nature does creep up on you and the older you get, it creeps up on you faster. And Raleigh’s Dorton Arena holds a special place in my heart. I’ve been around the world, wrestled in Japan, the Madison Square Gardens, Philadelphia Spectrums, and the list of places that I’ve wrestled and headlined goes on and on, but good old Raleigh, North Carolina, Dorton Arena. And I’ve got a specific reason: I stepped into the ring with the world champion for the first time and it was Harley Race. And he was old school, tough guy. He was an old-timer tough, brought up in the ’60s, this guy. And so that was the first time I ever stepped in the ring with the world champion. And then the second reason: back in the day, the main events had 60 minute time limits. And it was the very first time I wrestled anybody to a 60-minute time limit, to a draw. And I did it with the world champ. So Raleigh holds a very dear and close wrestling memory out of all the places that I’ve been. You could go with me and Savage at the Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan, at WrestleMania III. But that match, it wasn’t filmed, it wasn’t televised, it was just what you call a regular house show match. But what a night it was for me to be in the ring with the champion and then go 60 minutes and hold my own with him. So for that very reason, and a big thanks to all the fans in Raleigh that have come out over the years to support Mid-Atlantic. Jim Crockett was the promoter and I was there from ’77 to ’85. So eight years of being in one territory back in the day was a pretty good stretch.”

关于与顶级行业标签团队FTR的合作:“好吧,让我告诉你。就像我说的,我花了三四个月的时间才做出最后的决定。我只是在大时代摔跤公司第一次找我的时候没有马上接受,我有一个经纪人,托尼·亨特,他也在大时代摔跤公司工作,当他们第一次找我的时候,我和FTR,第一次找我的时候是高跟鞋。他们是在拳击台另一边的两个人,我要和他们摔跤。AEW把他们变成了娃娃脸,变成了好人。所以他们说,‘我们不能让高跟鞋妨碍你,里奇,你长着一张娃娃脸。如果我们让他们做你的搭档你会怎么想?“我觉得这也很棒,因为他们在学校的WWE,当我还是教练的时候,我和他们在拳击场上一起工作,我知道他们是好手,我很高兴他们在AEW的生意中成长起来。”所以他们的对手,致命的杰伊和老阿恩·安德森的儿子,布洛克他们还有一个神秘的搭档我还不知道这个神秘的搭档。你能相信吗? It’s coming up this week.”
