

WWE名人堂成员雷师最近出现在洛根保罗的Impaulsive YouTube频道深入采访报道一切职业摔跤。在讨论期间,如何克服问题的止痛药。

雷伊说,“所以我在大运行在WWE很多手术之后,我就爱上了止痛药很长一段时间。我的妻子一次抓住了我。我们是在度假。她看到我只是完全的,所以她给我最后通牒。她说,“当我们回到家里,你可以把你的药或者你可以把你的家人。你选择。”,真正打开了我,这让我更强的人,因为我记得回到圣地亚哥,我飞到电视,和第二天,我跟文斯。我告诉他,“老板,我需要检查自己。我需要一些时间了。”他很酷。他就像‘fu * * ing人的人,你在做什么。’ That was a big life changer for me and a different perspective of life and the appreciation of family and the support of my wife. It’s crazy. She’s been there from day one. She went to my first match. It was bad, and to be able to recognize it, and check yourself in, and put everything aside and move on with your life to a positive note, it was crazy. I really enjoyed that phase of my life because I learned so much of what not to do. I was there for 30 days. I haven’t told that story before. Another thing that was really big to me was that my kids were young. Dominik was maybe 10 years old, 12? My daughter was very young. I was really bad prior, but once I eliminated all that toxic mindset, clean.”

“我去戒毒所后,可能三年之后,我最终得到另一个手术,这可能是最糟的一个。我记得我在疯狂的痛苦。我把ACL。我扭伤了我的恢复期。他们说,几乎我的膝盖被一个线程晃来晃去的。这是很糟糕的。那天晚上我记得我摔跤在圣地亚哥,我们主要的事件。我是摔跤阿尔贝托•德尔里奥。前两分钟的比赛,我觉得。我当时想,‘啊,屎。 I’m fu**ed up. Like, no, let’s go home. That’s it. I was like, ‘No, no, no, let’s keep going. We kept rolling, but then afterwards, I probably damaged it more in the 10-12 minutes that I stayed in the ring. I had the surgery. I came home and the doctor gave me painkillers. I took one, and throughout the night, because they had to drill two holes, my knee, I remember it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt from the surgeries that I’ve had in the past. I would tell my wife, ‘No, I’m not gonna take anything. I’m not gonna take anything.’ and I controlled my pain as much as I could until she said, ‘I can’t stand watching like that.’ So it was pretty bad. I remember I was balling out with this. She actually had them so she controlled everything, but I didn’t want to take them.”



(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)