
作为报道昨日PWMania,大联盟摔跤发布Real1 fka恩佐爱慕。Real1走上社会媒体的消息传出后不久,表明他从未在任何类型的合同MLW握手协议,并为他们工作。伟德bevictor62

Real1是广告面对大大地MLW世界重量级冠军MLW战斗防暴V 4月8日,但Real1表示,他从来伟德bevictor62没有同意相匹配,并称之为“虚假广告”。


“让它知道,我一直是一个自由球员。我做过的一切,任何公司在诚信,我想继续。我想说谢谢你MLW。伟德bevictor62所有的人那里,工作人员,更衣室,这是一个很棒的经验。我有很多乐趣。我不得不出门的路上跑,我知道,我必须把某人。最大的明星,更衣室里肯定是Microman,所以他站在我的胸部;一个,两个,三个。希望他的签约8×10的余生。担架上的工作,绝对不是回来了。 I want to address something. There was an advertisement for me wrestling for the MLW Title. That was false advertising. I told the owner there [Court Bauer] that I never wanted to fight for the title, and on my way out the door, an advertisement came out that I was fighting for the title. That’s a false advertisement because I never agreed to that and I’m not under contract. Everything I’ve ever done there, I had to agree upon because I’m not under contract. If I’m under contract and you’re my boss, I’m doing whatever you tell me to do. Everything I’ve done was in good faith. That’s bad business trying to say that you fired me WrestleMania weekend trying to squeeze a headline.

“摔跤手写信告诉所有的书和仍然找到工作,是在电视上。这不是我要做什么。那不是我。我不是一个。我不是要讲屎和埋葬的人,我只是想离开的这件事,让它是已知的,2300年我在舞台上一堆广告说我争取MLW标题是掉在我和表传单的图片发送到老板和我说,“这是什么?伟德bevictor62”他说,“对不起,这裂缝中溜走,我穿太多MLW帽子。伟德bevictor62我完全忘记了你说你再也不想为冠军而战。“你忘记了兄弟?我出生在晚上,但不是昨晚。不玩自己。我不是争夺冠军,但你玩那些球迷当你把广告的东西我从来没有同意。我不是合同。 When you send me creative direction to bury a guy who just beat cancer [Richard Holliday], I do a lot of things on a microphone and talk a lot of shit, that ain’t one of them. Cancer is a sensitive subject and I didn’t want to bury a guy who just beat cancer. There was nothing left for me to do at MLW, I put over Microman on the way out the door. They wrote me off TV. Don’t try to catch me with a headline saying you fired me when I’ve never been under contract with you, I’ve just been a man of my word.

“法院MLW的主人的名字。伟德bevictor62如果我去法院,我不打算采取法律行动,我向你保证。我没什么可说的,但好东西的两年我在MLW,伟大的经验。伟德bevictor62事情并不总是永远持续下去,最后,我不喜欢的创意方向埋一个人得了癌症。shysty我认为,一个人把一堆文章,很明显,我知道是谁,那个人跑的地方。你把文章摔角狂热周末出来说我被解雇了。这是一个低的打击。糟糕的业务,特别是当所有我们曾经的对话,你有,我有,我知道我们对彼此说。当你把一个广告说恩佐得到释放,你只是试图让标题爆我的名字。这是冷血,乱糟糟的,我永远不会这样做。 I have nothing but good things to say about my experience for two years at MLW. In the end, nothing lasts forever. That’s all it was. When I go to Court, it’s the owner. I don’t need legal action, there are no contracts involved here. Thank you for the experience I had and thanks to the fans who watched. It was awesome.”


(H / T辩正的转录引号)