





“是的,我一直在非常有选择性的接受预订,我预订,因为它似乎是有趣的影响。这只是比赛的结束。你知道,我喜欢摔跤和比赛,因为很多人摔跤。有几个家伙在这种比赛,我真的,真的想摔跤。在摔跤中我最喜欢的事情是与人合作之前我从来没有接触过,所以这对我来说,这是太棒了。我一直非常有选择性的接受预订。但我试图填补它的夏天。我工作在这个新角色,我只是还没有完全扣动了扳机上。我一直在做一些片段。我已经寄给所有的大公司,他们都喜欢它。 But it’s you know, how the business is going right now and how the economy is going right now. So, you know, even if someone doesn’t want to run with it, I will just run with it on the indies. You know, we have social media and wonderful platforms like this, you can push certain characters and narratives and storylines, if you will. So well, we don’t really need big companies anymore. It will be nice to work there again. But it’s not something I have my hopes set on. I just really want to show people this character that I’ve created is like, like a shaman/ Darewolf character. Once you see it, you’ll know exactly what I mean. It’s kind of hard for me to put into words, it’s more of a visual character.”


“是的,这是很酷。我的意思是,我的粉丝(帝王)自从我记得。所以回来的路上,我爸爸是一个启动子在南非和在90年代,没有多少人知道,但在90年代,80年代末90年代初,甚至南非就像一个非官方的领土…人们使用来在南非停留6 - 9个月。你知道,威廉君威就是其中之一…就像在英国你有一个风格,加拿大,墨西哥女摔跤手有自由式摔跤。在日本,你有强烈的风格,所以我们没有自己的风格。所以我结合所有这些来自世界各地的风格和有趣的,威廉君威的人物我看着我学习,我仍然使用大量的动作和技巧…这是很酷的。我记得那时候,某些举动被禁止;很多. .风险高,高风险举措被禁止。我们不允许做任何德国大战之类的。 And I remember Cena saying to [Regal], “this guy hits a really good 450”. And Regal was like, “Nah, I’ve had, I’ve had too many knees in my face and elbows in my face, there’s no way that anyone can do that move safely.” And he put a crash pad in the middle of the ring, and we put a dummy. And he put it in different angles in different places in the ring, and I hit it perfectly every time. He’s like, “Okay, I’ll take that”. So that was kind of like the start for me. So it was a very unique experience that I’ll treasure forever.”




”,而不是去挖这个东西,我不是一个人挖的泥土或类似的东西。我只是想,哦,他必须,必须经历一些疯狂的时代。他试图向我解释他经历的东西。我不知道如果我可以重复的任何东西。但他们已经使他的生活非常困难。但这是没有借口说他做的一些事情。我不知道他说什么,但我知道这是非常有害的。然后人们的打开他的东西。但是,你知道,在过去的几年里,很多人已经疯了,因为没有更好的词,你知道,很多奇怪的事情发生在世界。是的,我的意思是,我相信他是一个不错的人。 I’m not saying he’s a bad person at all, but he’s probably just been so aggravated with the way things have gone, and the ways his career has gone. And I know, they made a lot of promises that were never kept and, and, you know, I can relate to stuff like that. But I mean, it really shows your character, how you respond to these things. You know, like, I try to keep stuff like that to myself. I had this conversation with the NXT coaches the other day, and they asked me if I was clean on social media, I was like, what does that even mean? You know, like, all my stuff on social media is in character. I would never show the world the real me or what my beliefs are…because I think you know, everyone’s different and we’re entertainers.. I don’t think my/our real values should be broadcast to the world. You know, the character I play on TV. That’s the stuff I do on social media. This is probably the most real interview you’ll see of me.”


“这是很酷的。喜欢,没有人真正知道会发生什么。NXT刚刚结束,我们都以为我们会发送回发育但他们叫我们电视在迈阿密。和文斯把我们叫到他办公室,制定了这个计划,我们都说,“是的,我猜这听起来很酷。你是一个自我的亿万富翁。你知道你在说什么“我们无法想象,你知道,我们不能看到它。像通常在摔跤。一切都是可回收的。汤姆博士曾经说过这所有的时间。什么是新的,什么是新老旧。 There’s hardly anything new that happens right? So as a wrestler, you can always kind of go back to a storyline or era or character or anything and kind of reference that and see how you would play this out right. But there was no there was no no reference to that and I mean o’clock. The Navy like ended with NWO stuff. And we weren’t really like, over or anything like we weren’t stars at the time, you know? So we were just like, Yeah, okay. I mean, this has been this idea, we’ll kind of just go for it and see what happens. Like none of us really thought anything about it until, a few months later, we saw the impact it made on people, especially people that have worked there for like 20-40 years, you know, there’s crew guys in WWE that have worked there for decades. That’s when we realized we were like, “Okay, well, this, this is something really cool”. And it was really fun to be a part of.”


“哦,那很酷。我想我相信事情发生了不止一次。特别是在生活事件,发生连续六个月。我要写我与约翰,你知道,像几个月,这是非常酷。你知道,不管别人怎么说他,他是一个大师在他的手艺。他知道这个业务。我从他学到了很多。这是荣幸和他。你知道,我不知道为什么我有那么多的机会。我猜我,因为没有更好的词,比其他人更有能力在我集团有这样的比赛…这是一个有趣的时间。 It was really cool. And, you know, coming from South Africa, I was the only South African who’s ever made it. You know, I remember being a kid and my mom was like, “no one from South Africa has ever made it” and I was like “great, then I’ll be the first”. So wrestling is incredibly big in South Africa right now it’s the third biggest market in the world. Many people don’t know this.”


“我打破了我的两个腿两次。实际上,我已经在两个疯狂的事故。医生告诉我,我将永远不能再走路了。我通常的人证明人们是错的。你知道,当我妈妈告诉我,我从来没有让它WWE的喜欢,现在我想我将向您展示…医生他们告诉我我将永远不能再走路了。我有钢钉在这条腿。我有23个螺丝在这条腿。我在这条腿有钛铰链。你知道,他们告诉我我可能再也不会摔跤。难以行走。 And I was like, Well, I guess I’ll show everyone wrong. And now I’m doing the same stuff. And probably doing even crazier things these days. Here I am doing backflips again at my age. And I believe that the mind, mind over matter, right? Your mind is way more powerful than you can ever imagine. And if you set out to do any goal, I believe you can do it. And I’m living proof of that.”


“我的意思是,永不说永不[和]WWE。我告诉他们这个新角色我一直在做我打发他们的包。我寄给所有的作家、制片人和我认识的所有人都在那里工作。你知道,这是一种褒贬不一。每个人的喜欢,很有趣。我真的很想看看接下来是什么。一些人的一些人喜欢,哇,有这么多的我们可以做。因为有很多层来解压。AEW的一些人一样,“啊,是的,这是很酷,但你能只是Darewolf吗?”,我想,是的,我可以这样做,。因此我们将看看会发生什么。 I haven’t really had any, like, solid offers or anything like that. But like I said, it would be nice, but I mean, I’m not going to wait around for that before I pull the trigger on this character. So we’ll see. We’ll see it. I mean, it’s a very interesting time in wrestling right now. There’s so many companies and great talents all over the world. So I think it’s a really exciting time. This is what I like about wrestling. You know, like if it evolves and if you don’t have depth, then you get left behind. And then you’ll see guys like Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio has been around forever and ever and ever, and they just kind of like adapt and go. So I’m trying to not be like Chris Jericho, but kind of just adapt to the time reinventing myself playing a new character, like just bringing some new new things to the table that I think will be fresh and exciting.”


“这是一个很好的问题。谁给了我更多的自由,我认为我会茁壮成长,但我也愿意,因为有一点像我的心一样的工作方式有点不同于大多数人来说,正确的。所以我从尘土飞扬的罗兹在WWE的一件事是,给他们太多,因为他们总能把你和引导你走向它,而不是像不给他们任何东西,像,哦,来吧,做点什么。这就是为什么我要过火了,我们等到你看到结果。我确信我Instagram发布一些广告传单,但是有点,这个角色,但我相信这是人们想要什么,对吧?就像我们经历了这个现实。我记得态度的时代。然后它就像一个现实。现在,我称之为猎人时代。喜欢,它不断演变。 So I feel like this character will fit in anywhere really, especially now because I believe that now with Marvel and DC and all these superhero movies that are good, most people know that business, right? So they want to be entertained. They want to see over the top characters like Bray Wyatt …that’s one of the coolest characters, right? That’s, I think that’s what people want to see. So that’s why I’m creating this super over the top character. And if I do go to one of those companies that can always just tell me to kind of hold it back or whatever. You know, I feel like Tony Khan would not hold it back so much. But then again, Triple H I respect him. And I think he has some amazing ideas and probably stuff that I haven’t even thought of yet. So I mean, I’m open to any of those things. Well, we’ll see what happens. It’s going to be an exciting year for sure.”


”我看了一点,我看按的观点。你知道的,我的好朋友,Taya瓦尔基里。她在AEW的。我一直在看东西。我在按视图在拉斯维加斯,因为我有几个显示,周末。我的意思是,我是一个迷。我们都是球迷,对吧?我喜欢摔跤。我只是…有太多的看这些天。我看着NXT那天和我没有。 I didn’t know any of those people were they were all fantastic, like amazing performances, but I don’t know any of them. You know, and in wrestling you kind of want to gravitate towards a character that you know, right? If you watch it all the time you have your favorites and your non favorites and stuff like that. I justs didn’t know anybody there but the product was amazing. I feel it’s such a unique time in pro wrestling right now.”


“是的,我想我真的只是想让这个角色,告诉人们这些想法[是]我有在我的脑海里,你知道,即使人们不喜欢它…我摔跤是一门艺术…这是我离开WWE的原因之一,因为我不觉得,我很欣赏,也许我过早地离开了,但这就是我我所做的一切。我是一个艺术家,我想把这个角色。这是我想做的最后一件事之前我把靴子。但我的意思是我觉得我至少还有另一个10年。我的身体感觉很好。每天我的腿正变得越来越强,现在我有钢钉现在我可以有一个决定性的. .可以是一个终结者。你知道,记得像Lex鲁格尔手枪有那么多。对吧?有很多层。这就是我真正想做的。 I’m taking a lot of bookings for the summer again, I got France coming up next month, Jamaica coming up, Miami, Denver. So every weekend, I’ll be super busy.





“我只是想告诉人们,如果你有梦想,就去做吧。你知道的,只是不听别人的。只是你。没有人知道你。没有人知道是什么。对吧?所以如果你跟随你的心,你添加了一些激情,无论你在做什么…你可能需要一点时间比大多数人但心. .心知道它想要什么。是的,仅仅只是跟随你的心。与其说你的大脑。”

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