


他说:“我想和几个人一起工作。我很想和肯尼·欧米伽合作。我完全被Kenny Omega做的很多事情迷住了。肯尼和我可以来一场大男人小男人的比赛。我一点也不怀疑我们能把屋顶掀下来。霍布斯,沃德洛。连达比·艾林也不例外。在和达比·阿林竞争时,我可能是一个坏人,但如果我是一个坏人,和达比·阿林竞争,我可能会让这个地方发生骚乱,因为他在销售和战斗方面做得很好。兰斯·阿彻是另一个。和橙色卡西迪一起玩会很有趣,也许还可以一起玩。 As an opponent, he’d probably irritate the hell out of me, but as a tag partner he’d be a lot of fun. I always tease Dark Order that I’m a card carrying member of Dark Order and I’m going to join Dark Order. There are so many great talents that whatever we put together, we’re going to have fun with. We have Satnam Singh, who is 7’2”, he’s a little green right now, but at some point, if I tag with him and show him how to tag team wrestle as a giant, that would be fun and maybe down the road split up into a feud there. The landscape is wide open to do whatever.”


(h/t抄写给Jeremy Lambert)