


我记得在逛超市的时候,我看起来很糟糕。就像我没化妆一样。我的头发打结脱落,我真的很瘦。我非常瘦,你可以看到我病得很重。有个小女孩向我走来,她看着我,就好像我是一切的女王一样,因为她不上社交媒体。她还不明白,但她抬头看着我,对我说,‘佩吉,我希望有一天能像你一样。’”我心想,“我到底在做什么?”For some reason like you’re in this bubble and then you just like click out of it and you’re just like, ‘What the hell am I doing?’

我没有听我家人和朋友的话。我的工作一直在努力帮助我,不断地尝试伸出援手,但我完全把这一切都屏蔽了,因为我当时的处境很糟糕,而这个小女孩设法让我振作起来。我当时想,‘哇,我是一个榜样,但我现在做的事情不太像榜样。”So I was like I want to have this little girl look at me in the future and be like, ‘Wow, look what she overcame. Not what overcame her.’ So I was just like OK. After that I was like, ‘I need to get my life together.’ So I did. I reached out to WWE and they gave me all the help that I needed when it came to therapy with everything you know emotionally and substance and everything — they helped me and that was like a few years ago.

所以现在我觉得自己比以前更强大了。是的。这一切都要感谢那个小女孩看着我,就像在说,‘你就是我要的。请不要把你的生活搞得一团糟。”So yeah, it’s the fans man who did it. They did it. Yeah, a couple of years later here we are! Getting the movie out there! Feeling healthy and happy!”