伟德bevidtorNJPW G1高潮2022年第19晚结果- 2022年8月17日

男子Tag Team比赛混乱vs铃木枪斗木和金丸吉信捣乱,兰斯·阿彻对昨晚的失利感到愤怒。Archer拿出了他的挫折在混乱,但他的情绪得到更好的他足够长时间分心,而Yoh击中Taka Michinoku直接驱动的胜利。赢家:混乱(6:24)速度:5

团体赛肮脏队对危险的Tekkers队Zack Sabre Jr和Tom Lawlor来回提交和打击与Sabre略短对Lawlor。罗伊斯·艾萨克斯打了进来,被佩剑粗暴对待,因为他锁住了手臂&艾萨克斯别无选择,只能轻拍出局。获奖作品:危险的Tekkers (8:54)比率:6(请给我小Sabre vs. Lawlor)

团体赛Great Bash Heel vs. TMDKTogi Makabe和Bad Dude Tito互相打击。乔纳尾随进来,拍了几张马卡布的照片。本间友明加入,将约拿和Makabe夹在一起。本间与约拿擦肩而过,但最终被套索压死,赢得了胜利。冠军:TMDK (8:31)速度:4

男子Tag Team比赛《Bullet Club》(《Chase Owens》、《Bad Luck fall》和《Juice Robinson》)vs《United Empire》Jeff Cobb和Great O Khan经受住了来自Bad Luck fall&juice Robinson的攻击。蔡斯·欧文斯最终得到了标记,用C触发击倒了亚伦·赫纳雷,然后用一个包裹打桩机赢得了胜利。赢家:子弹俱乐部(6:47)速度:5

男子Tag Team比赛Bullet Club (El Phantasmo, Yujiro Takahashi, Kenta & Evil) vs. Los Ingobnrables De Japon有很多恶作剧,比如子弹俱乐部很快就制服了高桥宏和武史,但不会持续太久。LIJ利用它们的速度优势,但最终被咬,挠和其他邪恶的战术停滞。布希被困在擂台上,饱受折磨。肯塔最后把他从他的痛苦与回忆录协助Game Over提交的胜利。按提交方式获奖:子弹俱乐部(9:50)速度:4

男子Tag Team比赛子弹俱乐部(IWGP世界重量级冠军杰伊·怀特,青少年重量级冠军石森泰地,NEVER开放量级冠军卡尔·安德森和多克·葛洛斯)vs田桥浩,草田,大卫·芬利和矢野彻大卫芬利释放卡尔安德森,但很快被子弹俱乐部超过。草田和石森太司继续他们的高速竞争。谷桥浩给杰伊·怀特带来了一场战斗,但他的数字太快了。矢野彻上场了。绞刑架医生进来了。矢野试图避开绞刑架。混乱随之而来。矢野打了一记低击,然后卷起,赢得了胜利。获奖者:Hiroshi Tanahashi,Kushida, David Finlay和Toru矢野(9:08)速度:5

2022年G1高潮半决赛A区冠军冈田和千对B区冠军汤加多摩比赛以撞拳开始,冈田和佳将多摩汤加带到绳索上,以一个干净的打破。多摩试图反击,但在撞到烙饼之前,他找到了一条路。冈田把事情推到角落,然后用一记破颈拳打了两下,之后一记狭锁拳将多摩击倒在拳台中央。事情向外发展,冈田在地板上打出了滴滴涕,他想要计数取胜,多摩在他回来的路上滑倒,只打破了20计数。多摩尝试了一些腹部击球和前臂,但他们几乎没有吓到冈田,不像角落外的晾衣绳,把冈田击倒。多摩继续用肘击和猛击,在一记毒刺飞溅和一记背部suplex打了两球之前。冈田克也重新回到了比赛中,但多摩奋力挣脱了断颈拳,随后他用汤加扭拳将冈田克也击倒在地。他们又回到了外面,但多摩的胸部先被撞到栏杆上,然后冈田的一个滑坡墓碑被反击成另一个汤加扭。回到内线,Okada未能阻挡Veleno滴滴涕,因为Tama获得了一个2计数,在SRC和一个Supreme Flow增加了另一个2计数之前。在此,Okada阻挡了一个Gun Stun并将其变成了一个领带扣,紧跟着一个Money Clip,它将通过绳子被打破。 Okada hits a slam and a top rope elbow drop, which of course led to the Rainmaker zoom out, before Tama snuck back in with a dropkick. Okada pushes away a Bloody Sunday DDT and returned with a dropkick, but Tama gets the DDT off anyway after he’d ducked a Rainmaker. It’s good for a near fall, as Okada’s back with a short arm clothesline keeping hold of the wrist as he pulled Tama up for a Rainmaker. A second Rainmaker’s ducked, but Tama runs straight into a dropkick and tried to shrug it off, only to eat a Landslide tombstone. Another Rainmaker’s countered into a Gun Stun, but Tama can’t get to Okada in time, and only gets a near fall from that. From there, Tama goes back to the DSD, but Okada deadweights himself before he sat down on Tama’s sunset flip for another near fall. Tama hangs onto the ropes to avoid a dropkick, then saw another Gun Stun get blocked as Okada grabbed a wrist then blocked another Gun Stun before he went to the Money Clip. An inside cradle nearly gets Tama the upset, as a Pele kick lands before one more blocked Gun Stun led to a Cobra Flowsion and a Rainmaker gets Okada the victory.优胜者:Block A优胜者Kazuchika Okada速度:7

2022年G1高潮的非冠军半决赛比赛C组冠军Tetsuya Naito对阵D组冠军美国冠军Will OspreayWill Ospreay和Tetsuya Naito绑在一起,因为neto的后退到绳子。内藤转过身,向鱼鹰的脖子砍去,然后几把剪刀翻了出来,导致了几次交换,最后鱼鹰盯着内藤的镇静剂。鱼鹰接到内藤的一脚,然后用一记原子投掷和一记砍击,导致了一个站立的流星按压,并提前两分。我们走到角落里,Ospreay打出了几拳,之后一个换位动作导致内藤在角落外打出了一记吊坠式破门,然后是一记髋部抛击和一记低坠式踢,而另一记破门确保了带子为内藤的进攻提供了一个目标。内藤的下巴锁让它继续,而头剪刀在脖子上扭得更厉害了。一肘将Ospreay踢到角落,一鞭踢到另一个角落为Combinacion Cabron创造了条件,而一条领带则继续磨损着他的脖子。最终,鱼鹰被甩到了绳子上,但他又用手弹射了一下,然后又用一记猛击回到了绳子上,在内藤突然处于防守状态时,又用一记大靴子。一块跳板的前臂将内藤击倒在地,差点摔倒,随后川田一脚一劈将内藤击倒,他奋力挣脱了一枚炸弹,直扑脖颈,在内藤想要投降时,他打出了一记破颈拳和一记双腿尼尔森。绳索救下了鱼鹰,他不得不与格洛里亚搏斗,之后他以一个台阶上的enziguri和一个人站立的西班牙苍蝇得分。两个人都跪在地上,他们互相肘击,当他们站起来的时候继续这样做,一记鱼鹰耳光打得内藤踉跄。 The favour’s returned, as an Hidden Blade was ducked, before he countered a tornado DDT into a brainbuster. Naito ‘rana’s out of another suplex as he added the tornado DDT before some short range elbows targeted Ospreay’s neck. A wild elbow dropped Ospreay to the mat, with Naito leaving him in a heap ahead of a Gloria. Ospreay tries to charge back at Naito, who just popped him up into the turnbuckles, before Ospreay was lifted up top for an avalanche reverse ‘rana as Ospreay’s head bounced off the mat for a near fall. Ospreay countered Naito’s next ‘rana into a cross legged tombstone for a near fall, before a Hidden Blade blasted through Naito. That’s followed with a Storm Breaker but Naito switched into Destino. Naito tries to come back with a Valentia, but a hook kick targets Naito’s eye only to get shrugged off as a spinebuster followed. Ospreay’s able to avoid any more as he nailed a Chelsea Grin, before the Hidden Blade was ducked and countered with a regular Destino for a near fall. A 2nd Destino’s thrown aside as Ospreay charged in with a Hidden Blade for a near fall, before the Storm Breaker puts Naito away.冠军:D组冠军,美国冠军Will Ospreay胜率:9(推荐)(他将在总决赛面对A挡冠军冈田克也)

总决赛(8月18日)A组冠军冈田和崎vs D组冠军美国冠军威尔·奥斯雷