妮基·贝拉谈论DWTS淘汰,鲍比·鲁德和多尔夫·齐格勒炒作击倒,里克·Flair 30为30

-上面和下面的视频是Bobby Roode和Dolph Ziggler在SmackDown的3场比赛中2场的后台宣传片。获胜者将获得SmackDown男子蓝色品牌队的席位,参加5对5的传统淘汰赛。齐格勒被激怒了,卢德很快就会发现没有人能打败他。齐格勒说他太好了,这太糟糕了。


- WWE发布了ESPN关于WWE名人堂成员Ric Flair的“30 for 30”特别节目的新预告,该节目将于11月7日美国东部时间下周二晚上10点首播。该视频以WWE名人堂成员胡尔克·霍根的评论为特色。

-正如上面提到的,妮基·贝拉在上周ABC电视台的《与星共舞》中被淘汰,和搭档Artem Chigvintsev一起进入了第七周。尼基昨晚在推特上表示,她对淘汰感到震惊,但如下所示,她今天下午在Instagram上发表了一份关于参加节目的长篇声明:

天哪,我该从哪里开始呢,贝拉军队,我太爱你们了!你们一直以来对我和布里的爱和支持真的是世界上最不可思议的事情!没有你们,就没有今天的我们。如果没有你们,我从一开始到昨晚都不可能上DWTS !谢谢大家,谢谢!其次,我的@dancingabc家庭我的天哪,我不知道我能这么快就有这么多新家庭成员!这是我人生中最不可思议的旅程之一!从工作人员,到制片人,到工作人员,到服装团队,到餐饮,到发型和化妆团队,演员和舞者,哇,我太爱你们了!你创造了一个如此积极的环境,它是如此强大!如果不是你们把我拼凑成一个舞蹈选手我什么都做不到! I will miss you all SO much! And lastly, had to of course save the best for last, my @theartemc You are truly a one of a kind! Such a sweet, gentle soul. I hope the world gets to know you like I have. Thank you for pushing me beyond my limits, going so out of my comfort zone that I didn’t think it was possible, making me vulnerable, brave, and truly fearless. I know I’ll never put my feet together or control these hips lol but you made this fierce fighter into an elegant dancing queen! Who knew! I will miss putting you in wrestling moves constantly haha, having our coffee talks, rehearsals, laughing and just having so much fun! You truly made this journey for me UNFORGETTABLE… and I will never ever thank you enough for that! Love you DWTS family! Always and forever!

天哪,我从哪里开始☺️贝拉军队,我太爱你们了!你们一直以来对我和布里的爱和支持真的是世界上最不可思议的事情!没有你们,就没有今天的我们。如果没有你们,我从一开始到昨晚都不可能上DWTS !谢谢大家,谢谢!其次,我的@dancingabc家庭?我的天啊,我不知道我能这么快就有这么多新的家庭成员!这是我人生中最不可思议的旅程之一!从工作人员,到制片人,到工作人员,到服装团队,到餐饮,到发型和化妆团队,演员和舞者,哇,我太爱你们了!你创造了一个如此积极的环境,它是如此强大! I couldn’t have done any of this without you all piecing me together and turning me into a dancing competitor! I will miss you all SO much! And lastly, had to of course save the best for last, my @theartemc ? You are truly a one of a kind! Such a sweet, gentle soul. I hope the world gets to know you like I have. Thank you for pushing me beyond my limits, going so out of my comfort zone that I didn’t think it was possible, making me vulnerable, brave, and truly fearless. I know I’ll never put my feet together or control these hips lol but you made this fierce fighter into an elegant dancing queen! Who knew! ? I will miss putting you in wrestling moves constantly haha, having our coffee talks, rehearsals, laughing and just having so much fun! You truly made this journey for me UNFORGETTABLE… and I will never ever thank you enough for that! Love you DWTS family! Always and forever! ?????
