



“我们去电视。我忘了这是什么地方。我认为这可能是在佛罗里达。他来自说:“嘿,兄弟。”他并不总是和每个人握手,但他说,‘嘿,兄弟”时,他进来了。他走了,”嘿,兄弟。”我说,“嘿,伙计,别做让我屎了。”他说,“你在说什么兄弟吗?”我说,“你把我挂我像一块垃圾。这里有一些标志着我,我没有办法在不杀死我。 Push me and I’ll take whatever bump, but don’t do that to me again.’ He looked at me goes, ‘You mean to tell me all the stuff your daddy did in this business, you’re gonna wine and cry about that?’ I said, ‘Well, my daddy is the one that taught me not to let dumb asses hurt me.’ We kind of got face to face with each other right there.”


“无论如何,我们有话说在另一个电视和相同类型的的东西,面对面。这是西部。我们在怀俄明州的某个地方。那天晚上,我们都去了一个俱乐部,我们在夏延,怀俄明州。有一个大俱乐部。这是挤满了人,所有的男孩一起呆在一个地方。我看到结束的男子气概去酒吧喝一杯。这是有点慢有他在的地方。当他这么做了,这两个牛仔的限制他的酒吧,我可以看到有一些发生了屎。所以我去,男人。 I just took my beer bottle. If I had to whack somebody in the head, I’m going to whack him in the head and here we go. Even though we had words with each other, I wasn’t gonna let one of us in the group. get hemmed up by somebody. Everybody else was busy laughing, having a laugh and roar. They didn’t see what was going on. So I went down and I walked up on the group. These two have got him in the corner. Now I’m behind them and they’re in the middle of us. ‘Okay, so now it’s not two on one. It’s two on two.’ I couldn’t hear all the words, but they saw that I had my bottle in my hand about to bash one of them in the fu**ing head with it. They went off over to their group and we came back to our group.”



(h / tWrestlingNews.co转录)