

正如P伟德国际官方网站WMania.com此前报道的那样,马特·里德尔据称因未能通过药检而被从WWE电视台撤下,这就是为什么在2022年12月5日的WWE RAW节目中出现了受伤的角度。


“你知道,今天是星期二。我想是12月20日。我做这个视频是因为,第一,我想让女人们听我亲口说出来。很抱歉在推特上攻击你。我很抱歉因为你们不愿意听我的就对你们大发雷霆。我很抱歉,如果当时能阻止他,这一切本可以避免。可能是在坎迪·卡特莱特时代她起诉他性虐待的时候。你会认为有人会学会不伤害或虐待女性。我说的是马特·里德尔。说的是你,兄弟。 You. I told you, you may have hurt me, but I’m not going to stop until you’re stopped. And right now, I think the newest victim is Misha Montana, which she’s in that like, ‘Imma stand by my man’ phase solely. I respect girl. I respect it. But you’ll find out, and it’s sad, you’re going to find out the hard way. Jordan Maxx found out the hard way. Ivy Malibu found out the hard way. I found out the hard way. We all do. We really do.

发现自己被骗去爱一个男人他利用你的爱来利用你,操纵你,性侵你,折磨你。他拥有巨大的名气,他拥有崇拜他的人的支持。但你为什么要崇拜魔鬼呢?为什么会有人听我的?我没有起诉他。我不是为了钱。并不是对坎迪·卡特莱特的不尊重但我只是想阻止他。你们都说我这么做是为了影响力。这个男人性侵了我,而你不愿意听。现在你们有艾薇·马里布发布的视频,她还处在我想保护他的阶段因为她没有说他的名字,但她说的是马修·里德尔,你们还是不愿意相信。 Even Jordan’s in that protecting phase because she’s still under the impression that she was only mentally and emotionally abused, and you guys are using her work against her.

我要这么说,而且是非常傲慢地说。我告诉过你们。我跟你说过他的事。我告诉WWE。他们在做什么?送他去戒毒所?戒毒所根本帮不了他。他还在做这份该死的工作。他还是会做他在做的事。那个男人有那么多该死的精神问题他拿我们出气。 Fucking innocent women. Have you all noticed we all look alike? Blonde hair, long, high cheekbones, big lips, pronounced jawline. That’s a predator. And he has a type. He preys on us. Now, granted, there have been other casualties, too, along his traveling ways. There was a girl in Canada. There’s been a lot of others, which I’m not going to speak about because that’s not my place. But come on, people, wake the fuck up. WWE, you need to fire his ass. And 30 days in rehab is not enough time to fix what’s fucking wrong with this man. Charges might, but it’s not here nor there. How do you prove sexual abuse?

马特·里德尔从来,从来,从来,从来没有做过的一件事就是被追究责任,从来没有。因为离婚,我在吸毒。好的。所以。你一边吸毒一边背着你的妻子和你的小三偷情,然后你还强迫她。那我呢?你说离婚期间我是你最幸福的人,但你还是虐待我。问责什么时候会发生?人们什么时候才能醒悟并开始意识到我一直在告诉你的,这些女人在告诉你的?与其攻击我们,不如你开始看清这该死的规律? Oh my God. All these different women, we have no affiliation with each other. Well, maybe two of them because of the porn industry. I was never a wrestler. I don’t know who fucking Ivy Malibu is. We all live in different fucking states, which is even crazier. But the one thing we have in common, the one thing is Matthew Riddle. The one thing. But yet he calls us crazy. He says we’re liars. But we all have basically the similar same fucking story just played out in different narratives. Think about it. People wake up.”