












“你知道,今天是星期二。我想是12月20日。我做这个视频是因为,第一,我想让这些女性听到我亲口说出来,”她在视频中说道。“我很抱歉在推特上攻击你。我很抱歉因为你们不愿意听我的就对你们大发雷霆。我很抱歉,如果当时能阻止他,这一切本可以避免。可能是在坎迪·卡特莱特时代她起诉他性虐待的时候。你会认为有人会学会不伤害或虐待女性。我说的是马特·里德尔。说的是你,兄弟。 You. I told you, you may have hurt me, but I’m not going to stop until you’re stopped. And right now, I think the newest victim is Misha Montana, which she’s in that like, ‘Imma stand by my man’ phase solely. I respect girl. I respect it. But you’ll find out, and it’s sad, you’re going to find out the hard way. Jordan Maxx found out the hard way. Ivy Malibu found out the hard way. I found out the hard way. We all do. We really do. Finding out the hard way that you have been conned into loving a man who uses your love to then take advantage of you, to then manipulate you, to sexually abuse you, to torment you. And he has a pedestal of fame, and he has has the support of people who idolize him. But why would you idolize the devil? Why will anyone listen to me? I didn’t sue him. I didn’t go for money. And no disrespect to Candy Cartwright for doing it but I literally was just trying to stop him. And you all said I was doing this for clout. This man abused me sexually, and you didn’t want to listen. And now you have videos that, like, Ivy Malibu is putting out, and she’s still in that I want to protect him phase because she’s not saying his name, but she’s talking about Matthew Riddle, and y’all still don’t want to believe it. Even Jordan’s in that protecting phase because she’s still under the impression that she was only mentally and emotionally abused, and you guys are using her work against her.

“我要这么说,而且我要非常傲慢地说。我告诉过你们。我跟你说过他的事。我告诉WWE。他们在做什么?送他去戒毒所?戒毒所根本帮不了他。他还在做这份该死的工作。他还是会做他在做的事。那个男人有那么多该死的精神问题他拿我们出气。 Fucking innocent women. Have you all noticed we all look alike? Blonde hair, long, high cheekbones, big lips, pronounced jawline. That’s a predator. And he has a type. He preys on us. Now, granted, there have been other casualties, too, along his traveling ways. There was a girl in Canada. There’s been a lot of others, which I’m not going to speak about because that’s not my place. But come on, people, wake the fuck up. WWE, you need to fire his ass. And 30 days in rehab is not enough time to fix what’s fucking wrong with this man. Charges might, but it’s not here nor there. How do you prove sexual abuse? The one thing Matt Riddle has never, ever, ever, ever, ever done is been held accountable, ever. Oh, I’m doing drugs cuz of my divorce. Okay. So. You’re doing drugs while you were cheating on your wife with your mistress, who you then forced to do things to. What about with me? You said I made you the happiest going through your divorce, but you still abused me. So when’s the accountability going to happen? When is people going to wake up and start realizing what I’ve been telling you, what these women are telling you? Instead of attacking us, how about you start seeing the fucking pattern? Oh my God. All these different women, we have no affiliation with each other. Well, maybe two of them because of the porn industry. I was never a wrestler. I don’t know who fucking Ivy Malibu is. We all live in different fucking states, which is even crazier. But the one thing we have in common, the one thing is Matthew Riddle. The one thing. But yet he calls us crazy. He says we’re liars. But we all have basically the similar same fucking story just played out in different narratives. Think about it. People wake up.”
