

马歇尔说,“我们做了一个插曲是历史的lowest-drawing暴行的横冲直撞。我是(主要事件)。我会这样说,主要活动做的很好,但就总体而言,一个评级横冲直撞,托尼(汗)给我。他说,‘嗨,我认为你不是作为一个巨大的恒星,然后你不是领导一群明星也许是时候解散。让我们想出一个新主意”,有人把“只是乔”,从WWE,你知道吗?所以我想,啊,我不想成为另一个笑话。我想做一些有趣的事。我只是说,‘我们能想出什么?然后托尼说,你看过这部电影流行歌手吗?“我说,”没有。”他说,“如果你看着它,他们取笑TMZ…”他给我看了视频,他喜欢剪辑和我说,“好吧”,这都是应该,最后,回报将是,这是所有好东西将霍布斯。 We bury everybody else and it would end up that I was with Powerhouse Hobbs. That’s what was supposed to start. But then when the Wardlow match happened, everything just kind of got… It was Hobbs versus Wardlow in Hobbs’ hometown, in San Francisco so it was like, ‘What do we do?’ And then it was kind of, ‘Q.T! We’re gonna put you with him now.’ I was like, ‘Okay. Yeah, let’s do it,’ you know? So then we had to kind of go backwards and (Aaron) Solo’s always been Solo so he’s someone I can count on, he’s professional, and when we originally thought about using the other guys, it was like, ‘We need a female. Who can we get?’ And a couple names came up and I spoke to a couple different people and I just remembered Harley (Cameron) from doing Dark and the music stuff and I was like, man, she just seems like a lot of personality. So I talked to Tony and Tony was like, ‘Yeah, let’s give it a shot’ so we were gonna film a bunch of vignettes and just without any contracts or anything like that and then all of a sudden, this thing just happened so it was like, ‘Hey, you start on TV next week.’”


(h / tPostWrestling.com转录)