

洛根·保罗最近做客了True Geordie播客进行深度采访。

在讨论中,宿醉的洛根·保罗与节目主持人谈论了一些MMA和职业摔跤相关的话题,包括他与巨石强森(Dwayne“the Rock”Johnson)现实生活中的工作关系。

保罗在露面时解释说,他曾经和这位从WWE传奇人物转型为好莱坞大佬“非常友好”,分享了他如何与他一起在Instagram Vine上画了几张草图的故事。

不幸的是,在“The Brahma Bull”意识到他有争议的青木原视频后,事情并没有变得“很友好”,因为他的公关人员在事件发生后要求Logan删除他们所有的照片和视频。

下面介绍的是洛根·保罗在True Geordie播客上的一些亮点,他在那里讲述了完整的故事。

关于他曾经如何与巨石强森非常友好:“我从来没有讲过这个故事。我会给你一些。我喜欢巨石强森。他是最棒的。如此可爱,努力工作,激励人心,他的能量是传染性的。他总是坐飞机。奇怪的是,我正在做的事情没有蓝图,但奇怪的是,他为当时还不存在的职业道路绘制了蓝图。同样的,我也想做一些类似的事情,它看起来会有很大的不同,但同时,我相信我会像巨石强森一样建立一个多方面的职业生涯。我们一起做了几个视频,我和Dwayne,那是在我做Instagram Vine草图的时候。现实生活中的好人。 I was scared to meet him because I was like, ‘is he going to be one of those people who I meet and I fall out of love with my idea of him?’ No, sweetheart. Gave me the time of day, having a nice conversation, it was awesome. Made three or four videos on separate occasions that all went crazy viral. I would consider him, maybe not a friend, but definitely an acquaintance. Very friendly with each other.”

在青木原的视频曝光后,The Rock的公关人员要求Logan删除他们所有的照片和视频:“我接下来要说的,是我一生中最悲伤的时刻之一。日本灾难发生后,我发现自己陷入了一个前所未有的困境,这是理所当然的。精神上非常低落,我接到了我的公关人员的电话,她也是德韦恩的代理人,她说,‘德韦恩要求你删除和他合作的所有照片和视频。也许将来你们的关系可以和解,但现在,他基本上不想和你有任何关系。“我也理解,我明白。我犯了一个荒唐的错误,在他的生活中,有很多人,这件事,以个人的方式影响了他。我明白了,这是另一部分。我说,‘该死。“你睡在自己铺的床上,对吧?”我只是希望我能接到个电话或短信。因为我以为我们的关系很健康,可以开诚布公地交流。 I was so sad that my hero wanted nothing to do with me. I was sad because I understood it. I really f**ked up. I totally got where he was coming from. I was so disappointed in myself. Real disappointed in myself. I vowed to get better and vowed to change. Time passed, I start doing well. I just want to be able to build a relationship with Dwayne that didn’t end up happening.”

关于他仍然认为The Rock很棒,并为发生的一切感到难过:“我认为我公开揭露这个故事是个卑鄙小人。他不是(坏人)。他太牛逼了。巨石强森太棒了。我爱他。他很忙。他什么都不欠我。我想说清楚,但该死的,我是在撒谎……这很伤人。我一直想和他谈谈这件事,但我不知道该说什么。我还没戒掉。 I’m still stuck on, ‘Hey bro, hey kid, I know we were cool, I don’t want f**king anything to do with you. Delete everything I’m in connected to you.’ I’m still stuck on that. Four years later when it’s, ‘Hey dude, always been supporting you from afar.’ Keyword, afar. I don’t know what to say. I can’t forget about it. I get it, but I’m still stuck here. It hurt, and he probably didn’t think twice about it. I have considered this…my publicist made all of it up. In which case, I’m a f**king asshole. They’re supposed to protect him too. The only thing is, they also rep Kevin Hart, and I made videos with Kevin. He didn’t have me remove the videos.”

通过该节目的YouTube官方频道提供的下面嵌入的视频,查看来自True Geordie播客的罗根·保罗的完整采访。H / T辩正抄写以上引文。