


“伙计,这太疯狂了。参加那场比赛时我超级紧张。我和科迪是一队。我们进入了这场比赛。我显然明白这是怎么回事。我没有赢。我甚至不知道我的战绩如何,但我可以保证我输给了所有人。伙计,太疯狂了。参加那场比赛时我超级紧张。我和科迪是一队。 So I think it was really cool to go into that particular time and everyone was ringside. There were people over in the stands where, you know, everyone would sit during the pandemic era. So it was really awesome to get that moment and to have everyone out there with me afterwards, Cody, Dustin, QT, Arn, etc were out there. So, for me to have that moment after going through so much was what it felt like for at that time had been a year, maybe, it was so awesome. I felt good. I felt like the man.”


