
在一次采访中TVInsider.com,拉娜讨论了她和鲍比·拉什利(Bobby Lashley)的故事情节所引起的反弹:

“我不得不告诉你,这让我大开眼界,世界上的人有多刻薄,有多恶霸。我无法用语言表达这有多么令人兴奋。人们不必同意我生活中的决定,这没关系,但如果他们不同意我的决定,他们也没有权利在我的Instagram上说我是妓女或荡妇。有人说我是妓女。你到底在说什么,真的?说我又丑又胖,是最坏的人类。“网络欺凌是不可思议的。我知道它的存在,但我从未想过它会发展到这种程度。这是错误的。我认为自己是个坚强的人。我是个适应力很强的人。 I have tough skin. It still sometimes get to you. I took a step back thinking, ‘If you’re doing this to me, are you doing this to other people? People at your school or your work? Your kids?’ When I was in fifth and ninth grade, I was dealing with a lot of emotions. If people are coming at me calling me names, that could really affect you. Calling you fat, ugly, stupid, dumb. People have told me to jump off bridges. That’s really wrong. You do that to people who are going through their own insecurities you can really have a negative affect on people. You see people in result of being cyber-bullying who have harmed themselves, cut themselves, even taken their lives. Do people want to be responsible for that? I just want people to make a stand and say that is wrong. Just because you disagree with someone’s lifestyle doesn’t mean that you should come and be mean to them in life or on social media. Go talk to your friends about it if you are criticizing, but don’t come on my social platform and talk about it. To me, it makes me wonder if these individuals are miserable with themselves. It has been eye-opening. People casting stones. How about taking a look at your own life before judging me?”