

“我认为托尼的问题是,你知道,他必须把头从沙子里拿出来。他忙着希望没人说他们的坏话。蜜月期结束了,兄弟。一开始,你还是个新人。你雇佣了这么多人。这是一种新鲜的产品。但是,你知道,你不能带着玫瑰色的眼镜到处走。这是一个残酷的行业,你的行业里有很多不成熟的人。你的化妆间里有很多有毒的人。他们对我很生气,因为有摔跤手对我说,‘嘿,你不应该说那些话。“嗯,我没说错,托尼也不喜欢这样。 I mean, there’s a problem in the dressing room. I wasn’t wrong, address it. I don’t think it does any good for you to go out there and say no comment, no comment. I know there are some legal issues because I actually asked Kenny Omega if he could send me a video for TripleMania, whoever wins between Vikingo and Phoenix because, you know, he’s the number one contender, and he goes, ‘I still can’t because of legal issues’, so there is something legal going on. Tony should have said at the beginning of the interview, ‘Listen, if you ask me anything about Punk, if you ask me anything about The Young Bucks or anything like that, I can’t. We’re going through legal issues and until that recourse is settled, I can’t’, but you can tell Ariel what you were thinking. He’s so polite about it, but at the end of the day, it’s very rare for Ariel, who is very professional and very credible, to say what he did. He said it was one of the most frustrating interviews he’s ever done.”

“如果你说,‘嗯,你知道,我不认为庞克说的话是他应该说的,但我能做什么呢?他说了,你知道,或者别的什么,但是,你知道,无可奉告。我不能评论。对不起,我的朋友,我不能评论。他说,这几乎就像这些人在国会面前说,‘我不记得了,然后请求宪法第五修正案。“如果你不记得了,那你他妈来这儿干什么?”即使人们回到WWE看起来很糟糕,但这有什么大不了的。把有毒物质取出来比把它留在里面要好。不然你就得把很多人关在家里不让他们进更衣室。这样子可不好看,伙计。你是公司的头儿。 Man up. I like Tony, but I don’t gotta keep saying that all the time. That’s besides the point.”
