
科菲·金斯顿(Kofi Kingston)在bust Open Radio的一次露面中谈到了大E“像我们这样的人”的说法,如果这与种族有关的话:

“我们留下开放式结局是有原因的,这意味着很多不同的事情。比如我自己,我在拳击场上扎辫子。我穿粉红色的衣服,蹦跳,拍手,跳电臀舞。你懂我的意思吗?你不会在主要场景中看到这样的人。这里面显然有种族因素,对吧?比如,你没有见过很多非裔美国冠军获得主要冠军。所以,这绝对是一个很大的部分。所以,我认为整个故事线的厉害之处在于,很多人都能认同它。无论是那些。。 like black children, who are looking at the screen, and they see black men doing excellent things, and excelling, and doing excellent things.”

“现在他们相信自己可以做得很出色。这是我们所做的很大一部分,这是我们能够成为希望的灯塔的巨大骄傲。但是,从超越种族的角度来看,这是一个合理的11年的旅程,这是一个11年的苦差事。你懂我的意思吗?像我们这样的人,像那些尽可能努力工作的人,他们被告知,‘不!“甚至在我成为WWE超级巨星之前,我就被告知我永远不会成功,因为我不够大。你懂我的意思吗?我不够强壮,身高也不够一米八。这就是我们。你懂我的意思吗? People who are always climbing obstacles, climbing mountains, only to find more mountains at the top of those mountains, and having to climb again. You know, ‘people like us’, it involves… it’s everybody who has struggled, you know what I’m saying? Everybody who has… who has had a difficult time getting to where they want to be, and now they can look at us as examples of, ‘Hey, I can do this because they did it and I see it happening. Maybe I can do it, too.’ To be able to provide that motivation for anybody, you know, black, white, from anywhere. Anybody from anywhere can look to us and find that sense of motivation.”