Kimber Lee Clears Up IMPACT Status, Talks Plans For YouTube Series

What is going on with Kimber Lee and IMPACT Wrestling?

The IMPACT Knockout gave the update herself during a recent interview with Piers Austin.

Featured below are some of the highlights.

On the specifications of her current contract with IMPACT:“I mean technically, technically, I’m still signed right now (to IMPACT Wrestling). I was never released from my contract, technically. They’re just not using me because I’m a per appearance contract. So, they’re just letting it run out. So that’s why I said, ‘No, I’m still signed technically.’”

On her wrestling career taking a back-seat since she has not competed since the fall of 2022, although she does have a desire to get another push and tour Europe again:“Right now, it’s taken a backseat for the last couple of months (her wrestling career) but I certainly want to come out and have at least one more big push, see what I can do. Australia is somewhere I have never been that is on my list. So I would love to go there. I wanna tour Europe again, I wanna go back to Japan. There’s stuff I still wanna do, I’m not done. I’m certainly not done but I just needed that time to find myself again.”

On how she has gone through a ton of personal things in her life, which includes her preparing to launch a Youtube series:“I was going through a lot of stuff in personal life and then that shoot job life, I was going through a lot there too because I had started in vet med and I thought that was gonna be the thing I would do after wrestling and then that turned out to be a whole sh*t show of itself and so, now I’ve actually — I’m getting ready to release the first episode of a YouTube series I’ve started because I’m now living kind of out in the middle of nowhere in a camper on two acres of land and homesteading because it’s the cheapest option for me right now.”

Check out the complete interview H/T toPOST Wrestlingfor transcribing the above quotes.