Kid Kash说WWE不想让他做很多高空飞行动作

前WWE和冲击摔跤明星Kid Kash最近接受了Insight与Chris Van Vliet的采访,采访内容涵盖了职业摔跤的所有内容。


“当我还在WWE的时候,我就开始(削减)了,这不是我自己选择的,而是因为他们不想让我做那么多。他们想让我继续讲述这个故事,继续摔跤,你知道的,诸如此类的事情。而且比赛时间从3分钟到15分钟不等,我的意思是如果你有15分钟的比赛,你就是一个非常幸运的人。该死,在摔跤3到5分钟的比赛后,如果有人让我摔跤15分钟,我可能做不到,可能会被炸飞。所以你已经习惯了这种快速的摔跤比赛,你知道,但是有一天晚上他们来找我,对我说,‘尽量不要做飓风比赛。“我想,为什么不呢?“好吧,这是雷伊·Mysterio的招数。”好吗?“不要从上面的绳子上做月球飞跃。“好吧,为什么不呢?“好吧,这是超级疯子的举动。就像,好吧,所以我也不能做摇钱树打桩机,你知道,因为他们有法律。所以我就想出了死亡关卡,你知道,大脑终结者之类的东西。 So everything else was just elementary sh*t, if you watched the WWE, it was just crossbody stuff, I didn’t really do any kind of the stuff that I normally would have done. But then when I left there and went to TNA, I pretty much completely quit doing it cuz I was turned to you know, back to being a heel, wrestling, Jesse Sorensen and guys like that, so I didn’t really need to do the high flying and plus, some of the stuff was hard to do anymore. Like, I used to run up the rope and do the flying Hurricanrana. But I noticed that my right knee wouldn’t jump as high as my left knee anymore, and I couldn’t do it from the other side. I had to continue to do it from that one particular side. You know, all my Hurricanranas went this way. I was never trained to go this way. So back then I just, my leg wouldn’t get up that high to hit the rope. And if it did, it just didn’t have enough in it at that point to get me up to the top rope. I think who was it? Jesse Sorensen, like we’re trying from the other side. And it was, it was a mess. I was like let’s try not to do that. My coordination is just not the same.”



