
KC纳瓦罗最近与Fightful Select进行了深入采访,涵盖了职业摔跤的所有事情。



关于安东尼·鲍文斯以及他是如何成为他的大哥:“当我走进摔跤学校的第一天,他就在那里。对我来说幸运的是,Anthony Bowens和Danny Maff,他们曾经是《荣誉指环》的成员,他们曾经是我的教练之一,他们确保了我的梦想没有破灭,他们让我接触到正确的人。我只是继续打磨,从不回头。我爱安东尼·鲍恩斯。他一直是我的大哥。我的意思是,在我上高中的时候有一段时间,我有一个项目,项目是我们需要写一些关于某人的东西,我们知道他正在做我们梦想的工作。我找的第一个人是安东尼·鲍恩斯,因为他当时正在参加WWE的选拔赛。他要去英国。这很有趣,因为他本来是要去英国的,他们说如果我们能把这个人带过来,我们就会自动得到A。我恳求安东尼·鲍文斯,就在他飞往伦敦的前一天或几个小时前,他来到我的学校,帮我拿到了A+。”

关于成为勇士冠军的感受:“我现在是勇士冠军了。我就是那里的人。你知道,这太棒了。我已经得到了所有我觉得我需要的火柴;洛奇·罗梅洛斯,迈克·贝内特——我最喜欢他,我喜欢摔跤迈克·贝内特。我随时都愿意和他摔跤,爱他。在Instagram上关注他,看看他的动机,他是最棒的。然后有机会和威尔·奥斯雷一起在拳台上工作。有多少人能在我这个年纪这么做?没那么多。 You got Blake Christian, Nick Wayne on that. But there’s not many people that can really say that and it was so cool to do that. (Maybe NJPW is next) I’m ready to do it, man. Rocky knows it, too. Rocky actually said that I remind him of him. So that’s a really good compliment. My story, getting kicked out, said I wasn’t humble, I wouldn’t get anywhere and for a company to really take me in and see that talent and potential, and really push me, that’s a dream. Warrior was a main place that I really wanted to be at for the last year. When they were blowing up and having all of these really cool shows, it was the place to be. I was like, ‘Man, I really want to be there.’ For them to reach out to me and me just kill it every time they throw something at me, and now I’m the Warrior champ? It means a lot to me.”
