

在一次专访中伟德国际官方网站斯科特·米切尔(@ScottsScoop44), WWE名人堂成员凯恩(格伦·雅各布斯)公开了他在WWE的时间,一场可能的退役比赛,与the Undertaker合作,他即将到来的A&E WWE传记特别节目,等等。


“不,实际上我没有。我只是想熬过那晚。在我大部分的WWE职业生涯中都是这样。我最担心的是从奥尔巴尼到宾汉姆顿,比什么都重要。很多事情都是模糊的,因为我们忙着尽力上演最好的表演,试图从a点到B点等等。那天晚上,我非常紧张,非常担心。我不仅获得了一个绝佳的机会,成为the Undertaker的兄弟,而且这是第一次地狱之战。当然,我们谁也不知道《Hell in a Cell》的游戏规模会如此之大。尽管如此,我们在WWE的两位超级巨星之间进行了这场标志性的比赛,他们在那之前从未参加过摔跤比赛。在那之前,我的主要想法就是别搞砸了。 Undertaker and Shawn Michaels are going to have a five-star match, and it’s going to be awesome. Then you’re going to go out there and the focus is going to shift from that amazing match to this new thing. I knew I could pull it off, but there was that little voice in the back of my head saying it was the chance of a lifetime and not to mess it up. Luckily, it all turned out well and almost 30 years later, here we are.”


“这太神奇了。在我进入WWE之前,殡仪馆是我最喜欢的巨星。他出道的时间正好是我刚进入摔跤界的时候。他一直是我的最爱。他是一个像我一样高大的人,他的角色非常棒。他是第一个把身材和运动能力结合起来的大个子。有很多大人物不能做他能做的事情。最终,这当然不仅仅是一个伟大的角色和概念,而是一个事实,你有一个6英尺10英寸,300磅的家伙,可以走过最上面的绳子,他会告诉你他会非常有条不紊地移动,做了很多他这种体型的人无法做到的事情。在我真正进入这个行业之前,我就非常尊重他作为一个表演者。然后,当我和他在一起几年的时候,所有关于他是更衣室领袖的事情都是真的。 He was the guy you didn’t want to disappoint, I remember one night I felt terrible because he was hurt and still went out and did a half an hour match. He was in pain and did the best that he could. He didn’t have to, he’s The Undertaker, he’s been there for 20 years and if he wanted to phone it in, nobody would say anything. Then I went out there and I worked hard, but I was like man, here he is. That was the moment when I decided I would never phone it in either. If he could go out there and wrestle at a high-level hurt, then we all could. Frankly, he is an idol. To be able to work with him, that closely and develop a close relationship with him, is just something dreams are made out of.”


“我对此非常兴奋。这是一个变化。我觉得凯恩已经变得相当乏味了。面具是一笔巨大的财富,因为它提供了一种别人没有的神秘感和神秘感,也因为我们经常用我们的脸向人们展示情感,这是WWE的全部,让观众感受到你的感受,我不能用我想要的方式做到这一点,因为面具,我觉得我很有限。我很兴奋能这么做。这是一个不同的角色。凯恩从一个不会说话的身体怪物,你从他身上感受到的最大情绪就是歪着头,这是非常模糊的,这意味着有不好的事情要发生在某人身上,到凯恩现在是一个心理怪物。他从迈克尔·迈尔斯变成了汉尼拔·莱克特。对我来说,这更可怕。现在你有一个很大很大的家伙,虽然他外表看起来很正常,但内心却一团糟。 The scars were on the inside and his psyche. To me, that’s much more terrifying than a masked dude running around. I was excited about it. I didn’t know it would do what it did and that it would be a completely different character. It was almost like debuting and starting all over again, except at a much higher level because you had all this history behind you.”

2009年,你从Rey Mysterio手中赢得了世界重量级冠军,并继续在Smackdown品牌上占据主导地位。它是什么样的?

“这很酷。我在拳王擂台上战胜奥斯汀赢得了冠军,但第二天就失去了。所以,能以冠军的身份跑得更远是令人惊讶的。我和《送葬者》有三场按次计费的比赛。整个公司的聚光灯都在你身上,这很酷,也是摔跤生涯的巅峰。它很酷。在与奥斯汀的比赛中获胜,尽管我只获得了一天的冠军,但仍然是如此特别。当时,WWE正在腾飞,要去月球。奥斯汀是第一名。我在克利夫兰失去它的那个晚上,我从来没有,从来没有面对过比克利夫兰的观众更激动人心的观众。 It wasn’t me, it was just the situation, but I do think that helped propel the company to the next step. It gave Austin a credible opponent, got the crowd even more behind him, and it was just something that people didn’t see coming. Everyone thought at the end of the King of the Ring show that somehow Kane would set himself on fire, and how they would get out of that. Not that Kane beat Austin and oh my God what happens next.”


“这太酷了。能加入这样一家优秀的公司真是太棒了。而且,看到我的故事被讲述,不仅是我,还有我的父母,我的妻子,殡仪员,以及其他所有人,这很酷的是,我可以和观众一起重温它。有些事情我忘了,或者我不记得了,或者有些事情我从来没有问过马克。他们问他,我说,哦,我不知道。不是因为我从没想过,只是因为我没问过他因为我想的时候我们不在。这是很酷的东西。我知道自己在想什么,但他也知道。尽管我在那里生活,但它给了我一个完全不同的视角。A&E做得很好。 When this partnership first happened people didn’t know how it would be. But it turned out to be tremendous. The shows are super high quality. I’m a big fan, not only cause they’re doing one about me, but I just love that it’s so high quality and it’s just a lot of fun.”




“摔跤世界和其他世界一样。它总是在进化和变化。它被消费者的欲望和人们想要看到的东西所推动。这是不断变化的。这就是奋斗,但也是一种艺术形式。能够确定你认为可行的方法,然后在执行过程中进行调整。其中一个不同之处在于互联网。我记得有一次帕特·帕特森告诉我,他是一名摔跤手,但现代的WWE表演者都是超级明星。他们跨越媒体,做很多摔跤之外的事情。不仅仅是摔跤,还有很多其他的事情。 When I first got into the wrestling business you were a wrestler, but now it’s changed. I’m a huge fan also of the women’s division in the WWE. It’s amazing to me. Sometimes the women put on the best match of the night. The athleticism is just unbelievable. I got to see that. I got to see when that started and see what it became. A lot of the other things that changed are the production as a whole in the WWE. We used to go out in a small arena and walk out through a curtain and there were lights and music and that was about it. Now, you go to WrestleMania and it is an over-the-top entertainment spectacle. It’s neat to see the changes. WWE is a great company and they’re very underrated with their performance and their ability to compete, not just in wrestling, but in the entertainment world. It’s some of the best entertainment on the entire planet. It’s interesting to watch the changes and see how WWE keeps evolving and the product keeps getting better and better.”




