Jon Moxley评论WWE对AEW的反应

在周末的AEW纽约动漫展上,Jon Moxley评论了WWE对AEW的反应:

“我认为每个人都将开始比现在做得更好。你会看到摔跤手从WWE中获得更多的钱,只是因为他们试图把所有人都锁起来,这很好。本来就应该是这样的,你知道吗?我认为他们也会开始减少他们的日程安排,这是好事,因为他们的日程安排很愚蠢。没有道理。所以我认为你将会看到男性生活质量的提高,你知道,在竞争中,可以这么说,仅仅是因为AEW的存在。我的意思是,在日本有一些人,我知道,他们得到了加薪,他们有合同在身,他们甚至不来,他们甚至不想来这里,就像,一个善意的信号。从字面上说,全世界的整个行业都受益于这样一个事实,现在有了一个可行的替代方案。有一天晚上,我们到了十点钟,在厕所里待了两个小时,我们就说,‘我们做到了,击掌!’现在我们得到了评级,有了一个可行的替代方案。我是说,这是真的。 This actually happened. I’m sure there are a lot of people that are going to keep waiting to wake up from the nightmare like this isn’t really real. But like all this is happening, this is 100% real. And it’s great for everybody. It’s great. I don’t say this to try to do some corporate-speak like that passive-aggressive ass WWE statement the other day. Ultimately the fans benefit, you know? Because they get to see these guys all across the board who are more inspired or..from the indies getting hyped up to, like, all across the board. Everybody’s more passionate, more excited. The other night, I was watching Raw with my wife the other night. It was like, oh, like, this is fun because we’re like watching them react like, oh, now they got, now they brought pyro back. Now they’re bringing, they brought in Hogan and Flair and just watching them try to, like, make moves. Like, it’s fun. It’s exciting. Like the fan part of me is like, ‘this is so much fun!’”