

“这是一个战斗的运动。大学摔跤是一项格斗运动。他们有血液超时补丁。最低的预备考试的一个终极格斗冠军赛卡或拳击卡,有人可能会有点血液在他们的眉毛或血的鼻子。但是他们不卖血的运动。这不是,收听的血!戈尔的收听!“这是审美的一部分。它增加了现实主义。有时候我甚至不希望它。 But I only know one speed. That’s with my foot to the gas pedal. If we’re going to do something, let’s f—ing do it. That can be detrimental when it comes to negative things, like drugs or alcohol. But that’s my mindset. If I’m doing it, I’m doing it. When it comes to blood, it’s just going to happen sometimes. Like I said, it’s foot to the gas pedal. Some people say, ‘This is just a random match. Why is there blood?’ I heard that last week vs. Tomohiro Ishii. He’s one of the greatest of all time. I’m not going to let that moment slip by. I’m going foot-to-the-f—ing-gas-pedal. How can I not? Then I hear that I can’t have a good match without blood. O.K., then, you made my argument for me. I’ll do it every time.”

“论文的要点是,这是一项格斗运动。但我们不允许有血液在匹配,除非它是一个私人恩怨?我们只允许有血液后五个月后怨恨某人与某人的妻子同睡或有人跑过去有一辆小汽车吗?,然后——然后我们允许这种戏剧性的深红色面具看起来完全相同的每一个时间吗?realism-wise给我,因为这是一个对抗运动,这意味着潜在的血液在每一场比赛。某种程度上摔跤的一切都是荒谬的,但这有助于用难以置信的暂停。实际上我更少的血液,但更多。如果每一个匹配的卡片有了眉毛或血腥的鼻子,这就是运动的一部分。但是一些血淋淋的场面与血液拍摄像一个软管是非常不必要的。我们面对每一个肘击对方匹配。 We’re kicking each other in the face every single match. What are these people made of if they’re not bleeding? People ask why there is blood in the ring every time I leave it. It feels unnatural to go out of my way to make sure no one is bleeding. That feels like I’m taking my foot off the gas pedal. That doesn’t interest me.”