


“有对话,肯定的。我们会愚蠢的没有这些谈话,对吗?尤其是考虑到正在发生的一切,一切周围的不确定性,谁知道会发生什么。这是疯狂的事摔跤。实际上,事情或许会在眨眼之间发生变化。事实,我能够非常耐心,并不急于做任何事,这是大获得我在这一切的事。我可以坐下来调查的风景,让我的决定及时。我没有像我现在需要一份工作,我要去哪里?“我相信任何事情的发生都是有原因的。我能有我的合同在去年12月到期,有婴儿在2月,花尽可能多的时间陪他,而不是急于做事,或说,“现在我需要回来。从12月(2021)(2022年)12月,我什么都没做。完全实现不做任何事情。 Luckily, I have people around me to have conversations, so I didn’t have to think about business or wrestling, they can talk about that stuff, and all I can worry about is dad life. I watch everything, I’m a fan of wrestling, and for me, I want to go to the place that not only could utilize me best, but a place where I already have a relationship with Hunter and a lot of people backstage. That was a big thing for me, I’m all about relationships and familiarity. As soon as the change happened, there was only one option in my head.”


(h / t辩正转录)
